Daily Hafez Horoscope Wednesday, March 15, 1403 with precise meaning and interpretation

Daily Hafez Born April

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Chu to hear from the heart of the heart that is error

The speaker is not my life.

My head does not fall into the world and the rear

Blessings of these seditions in our heads

Dear Fish …
Doubt, doubt, pride and arrogance are pests that must be of yourself. Use the words of the elders and the fan of what you want to do. You do not pay attention to the world, but do not hesitate to achieve any effort, otherwise you will have trouble. Fill your inside with the remembrance of God to reach your heart.

Daily Hafez Horoscope in May

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

What is the hidden wine

We knocked on the queue and whatever the wind

Remember the knot and do not remember Sphere

That the thought of no engineer did not knock

May Dear Fish …
You have drowned in your dream and fantasies. Of course, your long and long dreams are not all, but you are wasting your time. No one has the life of Noah to achieve all his wishes. So enjoy the same time as you are alive that opportunities will pass like electricity and wind. If something is your part you will definitely get it. Reading history and paying attention to the past will help you.

Daily Hafez Horoscope of June Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The one who has the hand of the cup

Sultan has a constant

The water that the life of life found from him

In the jar jaws that has a cup

Dear Fish June …
Reason is the greatest blessing of God to human beings, which can be used to become Camera. Anyone who goes to God with a pure heart and hope will not be disappointed, so strengthen your faith and ask God for help. You are waiting for the news about your beloved and you will soon be able to get you. You have a lot of rivals and opponents who have a face to defeat you, so try to get rid of you and join honest friends.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Not witness that has a hair and middle

Talat’s servant be the one who has an instant

While the way is delicate but

Its goodness and the gentleness that has such

Dear Fish …
The world is a place of passing, and what is not sustainable does not deserve it. In the spring one has to think of the fall. Beautiful appearances are very deceitful and you should not be deceived. It is necessary to choose a companion and accompanying care. In life instead of looking for a beautiful face, look for goodness. Do not consult anyone and just tell your heart the secret to the reliable people. Set aside your pride and listen to the advice of your true friends.

Daily Horror Born August

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

O Saba Nikei from Cui Fellani to me

Zar and sick of sadness. Johnny to me.

Bracking our hearts.

I mean from the soil in the friend’s address to me

Dear Fish …
The expectation of the popular joining days has made you think. You want to get news of him in any way. The great sadness of all your existence is overwhelming because it is very difficult to wait and stay away from the person you love. Stop gleam so much sadness as the waiting nights are finally ended, the morning of the joiner arrives, and every sadness will turn into joy; The important thing is that life is transient and you lose quickly. Instead of sitting and waiting for you to rise and do your utmost to achieve the goal. If you do not use life, you will feel old one day while nothing will be done.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born in September

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Or paste this laughing nose that you gave up to the character

I let you go from the eyes of her lawn

Though of the Vafa Cui to a hundred steps away

Wind of the pest around the carousel from life and tension

Dear Fish …
You have seen a friendly friend, but you continue to pray for his health and give him away from the bad eyes of God. It is impossible for you to achieve wishes. Soon you will be very pleasant and pleasant. You are restless and restless. Be patient to be patient with what you want. Everyone you see you know about your purpose. This may be very bitter, but tomorrow’s joiner is infinitely sweet. The one who trusts in God does not fear. Take yourself to the fate and be sure that whatever comes to him is the truthfulness of him.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

If my hand is hand

I have a dust on the dust of the dust line

On the smell beside you are drowning and hope

From the wave of my head that brought to me

Dear fish seal …
You are an example in friendship and you do whatever you do for your friends but try them once to see if they feel like you and are only with you in a time of happiness and happiness. Ask God for your heart. Every human being in the two -day life of the world must make sure that his goodness will always be lasting after his death. Be more with God and worship. You will soon be willing to do with your heart, which is like life again.

Daily Hafez Born in November

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The sadness of the time I don’t see anybound

I don’t see the purple except because I don’t see purple

I will not say to the extension of the old Moghan service

Because I don’t see my expediency

Dear Fish …
The sadness of this world is endless, and the only way to deal with it is to disregard and not be difficult. It is expedient to consolidate your current position because the right time to change has not yet come. It is better to think about what you started. With more consultation and thought you can achieve a better result. Sometimes you are looking for a heartbroken but you don’t find; If you see your benevolent people around you, take your knees and get up. Some things have nothing to do with nothing, to waste your life and time, so in vain because of what it doesn’t have to do.

Daily Hafez Born December

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

If this devastated home is to Rome

Other where Rome wise and wise

The traveler’s saddle to healthy homemade

I vowed to go through the way to Rome

Dear Azar …
You have long been promised to make changes to your lifestyle if you improve. Whenever you get rid of the difficulties and hardships of life, it is best to learn and experience them and use your experiences in future activities. It is not wise to do water, don’t decide on the things early on. Do not forget and help the elders and the wise. Ask your friends and look for their situations, if you do not complain to strangers.

Daily Hafez Daily Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Raise up to seek out in the tavern

To be friendly to Moradi

We do not have the birthday of the shrine unless

We ask for begging

Dear fish …
Have been in recession for a while; There are now good opportunities to get up and move on to your goal. Problems and hardships are transient, provided that you continue to try. In your life there will be widespread and happiness, and the suffering will disappear. If you have been upset and annoyed by your friends, you will ignore their error in respect of their former kindness and love for you. Sadness is useless, try to keep your mood and be happy.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Suddenly the curtain of the overthrow means what

Drunk out of the out -of -the -house

Zulf in the hand of Saba listen to the rival’s command

Such a handful of all that means

Dear Fish …
There have been widespread changes in your mental states, and everyone is amazed. Sometimes you spend time with rivals and sometimes with friends. You don’t appreciate your opportunities. You have all the fights and fights. The surroundings are counting on you, but alas you have scattered everyone. Your problem will be resolved when you pay God and then to yourself.

Horoscope Horoscope Daily Born in March

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Is not Moghan at all late Cho mesia



I ask God to speak clearly

Dear Fish March …
You are a committed man, and when you start something, you do it. You are looking for someone to tell you the secret of your heart, but you don’t find anyone. Nostalgia tormented you and you are like a candle. Maybe not help with you, but know that God is with you and a call to you that tomorrow is a better waiting. The stability and stability of the step brings you to the goal.

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