To plant aquarium vegetable, select the right seeds such as blue grass or Monte Carlo and place in a transparent container with a small amount of water. Soak the seeds first and spread over the appropriate bed, then provide the growth conditions with mild light and temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees. The amount of water must be balanced to prevent molding and small fish can be used to improve the oxygenation and beauty of the environment. The vegetable grows after 2 to 5 days and can be stored for a longer period by changing the level of water or transferring it to the soil.
Aquarium Branch Planting for Eid
Choosing the right seed
It is important to plant the right seed for planting aquarium vegetable. Seeds such as blue grass, Monte Carlo Miniature, wheat grass seeds and some other aquatic plants are suitable for this. These seeds germinate and grow well in the water and create a lush and beautiful view. It is best to choose seeds that are rapidly growing and do not require special care. Seed quality will also have a huge impact on the density and beauty of the vegetable, so it is best to buy from reputable centers.
Preparation of the appropriate container
To plant the aquarium vegetable, you need to choose a suitable container that can hold enough water. Small aquariums, glass narrows or transparent crystal containers are commonly used. The container should be clean and without any contamination to prevent the growth of algae and unpleasant odor. If you use tight fish, it should have a good height for plant growth. In addition, it is best to use a container that absorbs enough light from around.
Preparation of seeds
Before planting, the seeds should be well prepared to make their germination faster. One of the effective ways is to keep the seeds in a damp cloth for 4 hours to absorb enough moisture. Some seeds need to be immersed in water for better germination, so you can put them in lukewarm water for a few hours. Small seeds such as Monte Carlo’s grass can be planted directly on the bed, but for larger seeds such as lentils or wheat, they must first be soaked.
How to plant seeds in water
To plant the aquarium vegetable, you must first pour a thin layer of prepared seeds on the bottom of the container. Then add a small amount of water to the container until the seeds are completely moist but do not drown in the water. This makes the seeds not stick to the surface of the container and their germination is uniform. If you use blue grass seeds or Monte Carlo, it is best to first pour a thin layer of aquarium bed on the bottom of the container and then spread the seeds on it.
The amount of water required
One of the important points in planting aquarium vegetable is the amount of water needed. If the seeds are drowned in water, their germination may be delayed or mildew. It is best to just add some water first to keep the seeds moist. After two to three days when the buds began to grow, you can gradually increase the water level. Note that the height of the water should not exceed a certain level, as aquatic plants need enough oxygen to grow.
Light and temperature
To better grow aquarium vegetable, you need to provide good light and temperature conditions. Adequate light makes the seeds grow faster and have more vibrant leaves. It is best to place the vegetable container in a place with a mild natural light or use artificial light such as LED lamps for plants. The ideal temperature for the growth of aquarium vegetable is between 2 and 2 degrees Celsius. Severe temperature changes may cause inappropriate growth or yellowing of the leaves.
One of the common problems in planting aquarium vegetable is its mildew. To prevent this problem, the vegetable ventilation should be provided and do not use too much water. You can also replace the container every few days to prevent unpleasant odor and fungus growth. Using a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar in water also helps to reduce the likelihood of mold. If you notice the mold growth on the seeds, you can gently wash the area with clean water and place the container in a dry environment.
The role of fish
One of the attractions of the aquarium vegetable is that you can use small fish such as Goldfish or Zebra along with the vegetable. This not only gives a beautiful look to the vegetable, but also improves water quality. The fish move to the plants by moving in the water and prevent the formation of algae layers on the seeds. Of course, you should not put large or carnivorous fish in this type of aquarium, as they may damage the seeds or disrupt the plant’s growth environment.
Time required for complete growth
The time required for the full growth of the aquarium vegetable depends on the type of seed and the storage conditions. Usually seeds such as blue grass and Monte Carlo need to grow between 1 and 2 days. During this time, you should regularly check the water level and adjust the amount of water if necessary. If the ambient temperature is proper and enough light reaches the vegetable, its growth will be faster. When the vegetable reaches the desired density, you can slightly increase the water level to strengthen the roots in the water.
How to keep the vegetable
After the end of Nowruz, you can keep the aquarium vegetable in different ways. If you are planning to keep it for a long time, you need to replace the water regularly and enjoy the right light. Some people put the vegetable in the yard or balcony after Norouz to continue their natural growth. You can also plant it in pot soil and use it as an ornamental plant. Note that if you have fish in a vegetable container, you should also consider feeding and maintaining it.
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