Shahpsand sweets are one of our favorite Iranian sweets that pay special attention to during Nowruz. This pastry, because of its soft, crisp texture, also a beautiful and colorful appearance can make your Nowruz table very stylish. Raw materials and how to make a proud pastry just like How to make chickpea It is very easy and you can make one of the best Shahpand pastries for a short time for Nowruz.
Pastry pastry from a combination of pastry flour and Chickpea flour It is made that makes the texture very delicious and delicious. It is also very close to the taste of chickpea pastry, and this has made it more popular. But what is the way you make the sweet pastry? Join us to make this delicious pastry Healthy nutrition Eid is also considered to be welcomed by Nowruz.
Raw materials required to make a proud pastry
One of the most important features of the pastry pastry is that it has very simple raw materials and you can easily make them. This has made many people interested in making this delicious pastry at different times of the year, especially Eid al -Adha. The raw materials needed for this pastry are:
- 1 gram of white flour
- 2 grams of chickpea flour
- 2 grams of sugar powder
- 1 gram of solid oil
- Half -teaspoon powder Cushion
- ۱۰ egg yolk
- Some chocolate to decorate
- Some colored trumps and nuts powder to decorate
If you do not have the scales to measure the raw materials of the pastry, there is no need to worry because we will explain to you some of the sizes here using a glass:
- Half a glass of solid oil
- A white glass of white flour
- Half a glass of sugar powder
- A glass of chickpea flour
- Half a teaspoon of cardamom powder
However, we recommend that you use the scales to measure the raw materials to get a better result and make a great, crisp and delicious pastry. You can make your own purchase exactly as much as the raw material we mentioned in the first part so you can no longer need to measure using the scales.
How to make a talenie is very easy; So that you will definitely be amazed at the result. The steps for making Shahpsand pastry are as follows:
Step One: Remove the egg yolk in a suitable container from the whites, then add some cardamom and stir with the mixer.
Step Two: Add the solid oil to the above mixture and stir again.
Step Three: Here you should add the sugar powder you have sifted and start stirring again. You have to give up when the liquid is creamy and lightweight.
Step Four: Now you have to go for chickpea flour. Combine this flour with white flour and sift it twice.
Step Five: Add the sifted flours gradually and gradually to the egg mixture and stir to mix with each other.
Step 6: It is time to cook this compound by hand to make the dough.
Step Seventh: It is time to wheel the dough three times using the meat grinder. Of course, if you do not have a wheel, you can increase the time of cooking dough, but overall using the wheel can work better for you.
Step Eight: After the dough three times using the meat grinder, allow it to rest for an hour at ambient temperature.
Step Ninth: After an hour of rest, remove some of the dough and round it in your hand to make the bullet. Note that your dough should not leave at this point. Remove all the dough into rounded pellets and spacing them in a uniform way The tray of the oven Sit.
Step 10: Now it’s time to put the oven tray in the oven and let the pastries cook for 5 minutes. Note that your oven should be preheated and place its temperature to 2 degrees Celsius. The important thing at this point is that your sweetness should not change color. If the color of the pastry is changed, the taste will be bitter.
Step 11: You can now melt the chocolate into a bin beamy and pour it into a small container to make it as deep as sweet. Also pour colored traffic, pistachio powder, coconut powder, etc. into another container.
Step 12: Finally, when the pastry is baked and cooled, first place each pastry into the chocolate and then pour some decorative ingredients on them to make it look beautiful.
Chef’s tips for making delicious Nowruz sweets
You must follow a series of tips to make a sweet pastry. With the following tips you make, it will be exactly like market or even better:
One of the first things to note is the oil you use to make the pastry pastry. The oil you make to make this pastry is best to have a special flour oil. Basically, these types of oils can be made in the form of a tall store. But if you do not have access to this type of oil for any reason, use solid vegetable oil.
You may see smooth oils in the confectionery stores or the seller suggests that you use this type of oil to make the pastry. But it is good to know that these oils can cause over -dryer to dry, and given that the main feature of the pastry is soft and crisp, it can completely eliminate the result of your efforts.
Pushing tips
When you go to different stores to buy cardamom, you will find two types of cardamom, white and green cardamom, and you probably have the question of which of these cardamom can be appropriate. It is good to know that the choice of green cardamom is better and better because it has a more flavor than white cardamom and therefore it will be a better choice for making a pastry pastry.
Important tips
There are also some things to consider to decorate the sweet pastry. When you remove the sweet sweetness of the oven, you should give it for 1 to 2 minutes to cool slowly at the ambient temperature. Because the texture of the pastry is very soft and soft due to the presence of chickpea flour, so it will quickly and break down when it is warm. As a result, take action to decorate it after it is cold.
Important point about cracking of the cutest pastry
You may notice that the dough or pastry may be left while baking or after cooking. This makes us the shape of the cute sweetness of our beauty. Note that the reason for this is that the dough has not reached the cohesion and softness of the required. To solve this problem, you need to repeat and wheel the dough using the wheel so that no longer cracks.
Tips for a better and newer taste of the pastry pastry
Some people also use ginger powder in combination with shawesand pastry. Of course, this is quite tasteful, but it creates a stronger taste and some people may like it. Some people also use rice flour to combine this pastry.
Tips on keeping the pastry pastry
One of the positive features of the pastry pastry is that it has a lot of durability and therefore you can be sure that your pastry will remain healthy until the end of Nowruz holidays. In fact, you can keep this pastry at ambient temperature for 1 to 2 weeks. To keep this pastry longer for a longer period of time, just put it in the container and put it in the refrigerator.
Sweetie sweetheart; Norouz’s aroma
As you can see, how to make a sweet pastry is especially easy for Nowruz Eid. This soft and delicate pastry has a high shelf life and is great for Nowruz, because it is simple, tasty and beautiful. What do you like to make for Nowruz?
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