To plant the cotyledon vegetable, first select healthy and fresh seeds and soak in water for 4 hours. Then put them in a wet cotton cloth to sprout. Choose a low drainage container and sprinkle sprouts uniformly on a damp layer of cotton or cotton cloth. In the early days, keep the vegetable in a warm and humid environment and moisten daily with water spray. Once the green buds appear, expose the container to mild natural light. To prevent yellow or mildew, observe proper ventilation and balanced irrigation to have a lively and beautiful vegetable for Nowruz.
Planting Branch Cotyle for Eid
It is important to choose quality seeds for a thick, beautiful cotyledon. The cotyledons that are healthy, fractured and uniform are the best option for planting. Old or inferior seeds may have poor germination and do not grow properly. It is best to get cotyledon from reputable stores. To test the quality, throw some of the cotyledon into the water; The grains that float on the water are of poor quality and should not be used for planting.
The right time for planting
The best time to plant a cotyledon is about 2 to 5 days before Eid al -Adha. The cotyledons need more time to germinate than other seeds, so you should not take action late. If planted earlier than this time, the brunette will grow too much and look inappropriate. Also, if you take action later, the vegetable will not grow enough until the year. The appropriate planting temperature is between 2 and 2 degrees Celsius to properly perform the germination process.
Preparation of cotyledon seeds
To accelerate germination, cotyledon seeds should be soaked in lukewarm water for 4 hours. This softens the grain shell and makes the growth process faster. It is best to replace the cotyledon juice every few hours to prevent the unpleasant smell and break down. After this step, pour the cotyledons into a drain and allow the excess water to remove. Then put them in a wet cotton cloth to form the initial buds.
Select the right container for planting
The container you choose to plant a vegetable vegetable has a great impact on its ultimate growth and beauty. Shallow, shallow, smooth surface containers such as clay, Chinese or plastic containers are more suitable. These types of containers help to grow uniformly. If the container has a drainage hole, excess water will be removed and the roots prevent the root. In the absence of drainage, place a thin layer of cotton cloth on the bottom of the container to prevent excessive water accumulation.
Cotyledon seeds in the container
To start planting, first place a thin layer of cotton or wet cotton cloth on the bottom of the container. Then spread the soaked cotyledon on it. Make sure that the seeds are not accumulated, as this makes the vegetables thin and weak. After picking the cotyledons, cover them with a damp cotton cloth to maintain moisture. Place the container in a warm environment away from direct sunlight and maintain the moisture of the seeds daily with spray.
Primary care after planting
In the early days, cotyledon seeds need enough moisture to sprout. To do this, moisten the seeds two to three times daily with water spray. But make sure that too much water does not cause choke and decay. The ambient temperature should be balanced and avoid exposed to the wind or extreme cold. Until the seeds are germinated, it is best to cover them with a cotton fabric to maintain better moisture and germination faster.
The transmission of the brunette to the natural light
After 2 to 5 days and see the first green buds, you should remove the fabric and place the container in a place with gentle natural light. Sunlight makes the greener greener and strengthens the stems of the vegetable. If there is not enough light in the environment, you can use indirect light on LED lamps. Be careful not to expose the vegetables to severe sunlight, as this will make them yellow and wilted.
How to irrigate and maintain the humidity of the vegetable
Adequate moisture is one of the main factors in the good growth of the cotyledon vegetable. The vegetables should be wet with water spray once or twice a day to prevent them from drying. At the same time, they should not be too irrigation, as this will cause the roots to rot. It is best to use a sprinkler spray to irrigate to spread uniformly in all parts of the vegetable. If the surface of the container is too dry, add a small amount of water to provide the necessary moisture.
Prevent yellow
One of the common problems in keeping the cotyledon vegetable is yellowing or mildew and fungus. To prevent this problem, you need to provide a proper ventilation for the vegetable. Putting the vegetable in an environment with fresh air and sufficient light prevents it from becoming yellow. Also, excessive irrigation can cause mildew. If you see white or yellow spots on the vegetable, you can mix a small amount of water and white vinegar and sprinkle with spray to prevent the fungus from growing.
In order for your cotyledon vegetable to stay fresh and lush until the moment of delivery, you need to take care of it properly. Keep the vegetable in a balanced temperature environment and avoid sudden temperature changes. Regular irrigation and use of indirect light are recommended for better growth. If the vegetable is too high, you can cut the tip of the stems with a clean scissors to make it look more tidy. By following these tips, your cotyledon will remain green until the end of Nowruz holidays.
More knowledge
The properties of the cotyledon
The most important The properties of the cotyledon Strengthening the immune system, preventing and treating anemia, improving heart health, reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, helping digestion and digestion, bones strengthening, helping weight loss and weight loss, liver protection, improved skin and hair health, and mood regulation. Also, because of its valuable nutrients such as iron, folate, fiber, protein and antioxidants, cotyledon also plays an important role in preventing cancer, improving the health of pregnant women and the growth of children.
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