Mahatma Gandhi’s valuable and valuable remarks

Mahatma Gandhi’s valuable and valuable remarks

Excerpt from The purest of Gandhi short speeches We have presented that you can use Instagram for post, caption, profile and storytelling.


The future, depends entirely on the job
That we do in the present moment


The congregation’s homosexuality is a simple task
It is different that courage requires!


Our greatest ability as a human
Is not a change of world
Rather, it is to change ourselves!


The Enemy is Fear
We Think it is Hate
But, IT is Fear
Our enemy is our fear
We think our main enemy is hatred
But in fact fear!


Talk only time
That you think of talking
Could be better than silence


Beautiful relationships are based on four values
And appreciation


Strength, from physical capacity
Rather originates from an invisible will


Be the same change yourself.
That you try to make


In doing anything
Or love
Or never do it


Happiness is a time
That what you think
What you say
And what you do
Be all in perfect harmony


The Best Way to find your
is to lose yourself in the Service of Others
The best way to find yourself
Is to lose yourself in serving others


Honest opposition is the best sign of growth


The best ornament of a woman is her personality


Look at the sparrows
They never know what the next moment will do
Let’s live like sparrows, in the moment


Don’t judge others
Judge yourself in return.
You will be happy.


Nothing more than worry causes erosion of the soul and the body
And one who believes in God
Should be ashamed of worrying about anything


Knowledge that comes from experience
Repeatedly better and more efficient than knowledge
That comes from books


If you want to change the world
Start yourself first!


Should not lose faith to humanity
Humanity is like the ocean
A few drops of contaminated, cannot infect all of it


The difference between what we do
And what we really have the ability to do
Enough to solve more world problems

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