What to do when your doctor does not take our words seriously?

You have come to your doctor and describe your worrying symptoms with a concern, but he says it’s all stress and you have no problems? If you are sure you have a problem and don’t take your doctor seriously, what’s what? How do we persuade a doctor in such cases?

One of the most inferior moments of life is when you see a doctor and not take your talk seriously. One of the most common and unbearable experiences for anyone is to tell them because of stress, showing a number of symptoms; Stress that has nothing to do with mental health.

We all have the experience of seeing a doctor and diagnosing stress and anxiety instead of a physical problem. We may show symptoms of abuse, heartache and headaches, and your doctor may refer us to neurological tests instead of diagnosing a disease. When all the tests are negative and no symptoms of nervous problem have been seen, the doctor finally admits that we were right and really have a number of symptoms of physical illness!

You might be surprised, but in fact, many people are dealing with this. This led us to look at what we should do in such circumstances? To prepare this article, the opinions of mental health consultants have been used.

Go with the doctor with your doctor

In general, it is best not to go to the doctor only; Especially if you get anxious or have many symptoms that you don’t have to remember them all. Coaring a friend with himself helps to better remind the symptoms, while at the same time gives you credibility and validity. Several studies have shown that sometimes physicians behave differently with female patients. Evidence and experience show that If you take a man with you to the doctor, you are more likely to take you seriously.!

Observe your symptoms

The better you tell your doctor about your symptoms. You can record your symptoms by accurate day and clock, possible stimulants (for example, just after eating) and on paper. This may be a little difficult at the time of the illness and get energy from you, but it will have a favorable effect on the problem and the symptoms.

Clearly describe your symptoms

Favorable health care require strong communication. Before talking to your doctor, take the time to design the best way to explain your symptoms. For example, the phrase “sometimes, even when I am calm, breathe,” is very different from “sometimes anxiety”. In describing your situation, be sure to look at a few issues:

  • The place of pain
  • Consumable drugs
  • Related symptoms
  • The presence

Also, before the examination session, give you severe pain or symptoms from one to three points.

Ask the right questions

Be your doctor’s colleague at the time of the examination! You can ask for additional tests and tests: “Can I do a few more tests to reject any possibility? This is so calm. “

If your doctor continued to reject the symptoms and say that these concerns are only in your mind; We suggest you give this answer: “If it is not an anxiety, what can it be? If so, how can it be rejected? ” If he still does not want to prescribe more tests and examinations, ask him what symptoms (and with what period of symptoms) show that the test needs to be performed. This will encourage the physician to describe the problem and the cause of his reaction.

Ask for cooperation from your health care providers

Participatory care services mean cooperation between different medical departments or the patient’s cooperation with treatment providers. Using partnership care services, it can be assured that your physical symptoms have nothing to do with mental health problems.

If you do not receive such services, you can ask your doctors with different specialties to communicate with each other and make sure your symptoms are. This will help your doctor to make sure he has not ignored an important issue.

Ask your doctor to register and sign your diagnosis of not further examination of the disease

If you believe that there is a need for further examination of your health and your doctor refuses to do so, ask him to record his diagnosis in your medical record. This medical documentation will be your evidence for judicial prosecution. In addition, the doctor will find that it is best to consider the aspects of the matter and to be more cautious. Probably after this request, he decides to take more tests from you.

Wake the doctor’s human emotions

One question in these circumstances is usually the case: “If your beloved had these symptoms, what would you do for him?” This question helps the physician to examine the situation with greater patience and importance.

Do you have trouble describing your symptoms to your doctor?

If you haven’t come to yourself, you will definitely remember when you take one of your loved ones to the doctor and say that there is no serious issue and all of it is stress. In such cases, what do you react? How likely you to accept your doctor’s words and assure her experience? If you have doubts about the symptoms, how do you get a doctor to examine the issue deeper? Please share your suggestions and comments with us and other “how” users.

Source: TIME

A step in your dominance of communication skills

Warning! This is merely an educational aspect and you need to consult a physician or specialist. More information

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