30 texts of the holy month of Ramadan (Congratulations to the beginning of Ramadan!)

Pioneer of Ramadan

A collection of the most beautiful texts and messages Ramadan and the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan We have presented that you can use Instagram for copies, posts and stories.


The city of Ramadan al -Anzal Fayeh al -Qur’an
The holy month of Ramadan
The moon
The month of servitude of the wind


Have the wisdom to be fasting
To say and heard again
And you are your devil.


Reaches the property of this kind of call
Fasting the obligatory on the king and beggar
Until all the gods


Ramadan and Eid came with us
Lock came and that key is with ours
Ramadan came to serve the heart
And the one who created the heart is with us
Happy to you!


The text of Ramadan

We approached the moon of God
If a look, voice, a language of humbled on your heart
Excuse the hostility of this month’s hostility, maybe there may be no opportunity to make up for it …


Life is not the leaves in the path of the wind
The test is the roots
The root is never captured by the wind
Life is ivy
Its end comes before God
Care the holy month of Ramadan


God bless my ten days
This month
Real fasting
And the night of my life
Like the nightlife and wake me up


Salam, Mercy of the month of Razwan of the Moon Friend
John Mullah wishes me the understanding of your nights
Anyone who got drunk on the publishers this night


The most month -month -old
The most beautiful month
The most special month
Happy month of Ramadan


God help
The umbrella of sin in the rain of Ramadan
And keep the non -Ramadan closed ..
Yes; The umbrellas should be closed, under the rain.


The text of Ramadan is close

Get up
Dust from the heart and on the wash
Wear the Prophet’s party clothes.
The month of Ramadan come,
Cut the basket of mercy.
Happy Ramadan in advance!


Blessed it gets the dinner
That is called the whisper of the suburbs
Thanks to the nights of his greatness
Mentioning the lips of the lacel ela


The congratulatory text starts Ramadan
The congratulatory text starts Ramadan

Again wrapped up in the alleys
Mentioning Yarb Yarb from you homes
I wish we could live the night of resuscitation


West Sunrise Omar Ali
The Orient is the Qur’an
In such a fog that Anas and John Yarb
There is a guest on your table…


What a happy party
What a happy magic and Iftar
My heart to be merciful.
Operates from any knot


Hearts to his nights.
God in the moment, the moments of His
Month of Mercy, Happy Ramadan


The text

God help the umbrella of sin
Keep closed in the rain of Ramadan and non -Ramadan
The umbrellas have to be closed, you have to go under the rain…


The moon in self -esteem
Lips down, don’t say, silence
The understanding of the poor is of the heart and the life
Life is like the poor


Ramadan is, to set fire to a little

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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