What is a taxic man and how are the Taxic boys?

The word “toxic” is rooted in English and is literally “toxic”, but in its original use it is substance or something that is harmful to the health or life of living things (such as chemicals or dangerous environments. For the body); However, its meaning in everyday conversations, especially in Iranian youth cyberspace, has gone beyond this physical concept and has found interesting uses. If to Taxic personality psychology Follow the star.


Who is a taxic girl?

In social and psychology, a taxic girl is told that with various behaviors, including extremist dependencies, domination or deception, it has a negative and bad impact on others, or acts unbalanced and harmful in her relationships.

What is a Taxic boy?

The taxic boy refers to a person who has bad and unhealthy behaviors, including severe cynicism, betrayal, abuse or controlling, and certainly such a person in his relationship with others will cause emotional harm to the other person.

How is a taxic man?

A taxic person is the one who humiliates others, has a severe narcissism, is affiliated with others, is unable to make independent decisions, tries to seize power by dividing, knows or rejects boundaries, anxiety and intellectual turmoil. It tolerates a lot of energy, it is energized, he has extreme self -esteem, looks at issues with negative or ridiculous vision, or gives a lot of negative energy to those around him, and by creating tension and war and war. The controversy in its relationships leaves no room for growth. Such people are usually emotional, physical or sexual abuse in childhood and have failed to successfully pass their childhood. For this reason, the need to treat and get help from a A good and professional psychologist They have.

In general, the term toxic or taxic is an insecure person who is used to label people and relationships that destroy others’ mental and mental health, as well as unhealthy atmosphere situations or work environments.

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