Planting vegetable in coconut skin + 10 important tips for faster growth

To plant vegetables in coconut skin, first halve a healthy coconut from the middle and remove the internal meat. Then, soak seeds such as wheat, lentils or mung beans in the water for 2 to 4 hours to sprout. Cover the foam of the coconut skin with a layer of cotton or cotton cloth, spread the seeds on it and moisten with spray. Put the container in a warm, indirect environment and water lowed daily. Provide proper ventilation and avoid excessive irrigation to prevent molding. This method, in addition to beauty, helps protect the environment and brings a lively and lasting vegetable to your seven -seater table.

Branch Planting in Coconut Skin


Planting vegetable in coconut skin is an innovative and beautiful way to decorate the Haft -Sin tablecloth, which in addition to its attractive appearance, helps protect the environment. The use of coconut skin as a natural container for vegetable planting makes the moisture inside it better and the vegetable grows healthier. This method is a great replacement for plastic and non -harmonious containers. Also, by creating a unique look, it will give your Haft -Sin table a natural and pleasant look.

Coconut Skin Preparation

To plant vegetables in coconut skin, you must first choose a healthy and fresh coconut. Coconuts that have a hard, without cracking shell are a good option. To prepare, divide the coconut from the middle into two halves and drain the water. Then, remove the internal meat completely and wash it so that there is no trace of fat. To increase charm, you can polish the edges of the skin slightly. Finally, let the coconut skin dry to prepare for seed planting.

Choosing the right seed

Choosing the right seed plays an important role in the growth of vegetables. Seeds such as wheat, lentils, mung beans and ash are common growth options and are suitable for planting in coconut skin. If you are looking for a fine and beautiful vegetable, wheat is the best choice. For greater variety, you can also use chia or chia eggs that give your vegetable a special effect. Before planting, soak the seeds in water for 1 to 2 hours to make their germination faster.

Planting steps

After preparing coconut skin and selecting the seed, you should put the seeds in the container. First, cover the foam of the coconut skin with a layer of cotton or cotton fabric to get enough moisture. Then, spread the soaked seeds uniformly on the surface. With a spray water, moisten the seeds and place the container in a warm, bright place. Spray one to twice a day to maintain the necessary moisture. After a few days, brunette buds will begin to grow.

Holding tips and irrigation

Proper maintenance of vegetables in coconut skin has a great effect on its growth. To prevent mold, place the vegetable in a proper ventilation. Excessive watering causes the seeds to rot, so spray only a small amount of water daily. In the early days, cover the seeds with a damp cotton cloth to provide enough moisture. After germination, remove the fabric and expose the vegetable to indirect light. If you find that the vegetable growth is asymmetric, rotate the container daily.

Decoration of the brunette

The use of coconut skin as a container for the vegetable gives your Nowruz decoration a special look. You can place coconut skin on the wooden bases or inside the mat to make it look more beautiful. Also, adding color ribbons or painting on coconut skin will make it more attractive. Some people create a beautiful combination by placing a few branches of natural flowers alongside the vegetable. This method, in addition to being suitable for the Haft -Sin table, can also be used as a home decorative element.

The benefits of using coconut skin

Planting vegetables in coconut skin has many benefits. In addition to beauty, this method is a completely natural and environmentally friendly way. Due to its natural structure, coconut skin maintains moisture well and causes better vegetation growth. Also, unlike plastic containers that can cause mildews, coconut skin helps to ventilated proper ventilation and prevents corruption. After use, coconut skin can be added as natural fertilizer, which is very useful for plants.

Moldy brunette

One of the problems that may arise when planting vegetables is mold. To avoid this problem, you should avoid excessive irrigation and place the vegetable in a place with enough air flow. Using lukewarm water to irrigate also helps reduce the likelihood of mold. Also, it is best to shake the vegetable once daily to reach the roots. If you see signs of mold, remove the contaminated parts and spray a small amount of cinnamon or vinegar on the seeds.

How long does it take?

The duration of the vegetation depends on the type of seed selected. Wheat usually takes about 1 to 2 days, lentils and mung beans for about 1 to 2 days, and ash requires about 1 to 2 days to reach the right size. If you want your vegetable to be ready for Nowruz, you should plant the seeds at least 2 days before Eid. The vegetable will grow well at proper temperature and with proper care. If it is slow, you can put the container in a warmer environment and not overlook daily spraying.


Planting vegetable in coconut skin is one of the best ways to have a beautiful and natural vegetable in the Haft -Sin table. In addition to its charm, this method is environmentally friendly and helps to grow healthy vegetables. By following the points mentioned in this article, you can grow a thick, lush and lively vegetable. Considering the choice of proper seed, proper irrigation and mildew is one of the most important factors in success. With a little creativity, you can decorate your vegetable in the most beautiful way possible and enjoy its freshness during Nowruz.

More knowledge

Coconut Properties

The most important Coconut Properties Weight loss, strengthening the immune system, improving heart health, lowering blood pressure and strengthening sex. It is rich in beneficial fats and nutrients and helps to detoxify liver, strengthen muscles in bodybuilding, treat acne and maintain skin moisture. Coconut also has anti -cancer properties and is effective in reducing the risk of breast and colon cancers. In addition, coconut water is a great source of body electrolytes and hydration. However, over -consumption may increase blood cholesterol.

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