Horror Horror Daily Monday, March 6, 1403 with precise meaning and interpretation

Daily Hafez Born April

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The heart goes to the owner of God.

Pain that the secret will be hidden.

Our Ship

May I meet the familiar meeting

Dear Fish …
The time has put a lot of hardships and difficulties on your way, but there is no worry, too. If you want to live a comfortable and comfortable life, tolerance with your enemies and make your friends happy. Take the tasks, though small, big, and do them without wasting them so that you can be the owner of the status. Sometimes you have a goal in thinking that you do not believe in. You grow up the problems for yourself and hope for the help of others. Be aware that the main source of help in resolving the sacred essence is the transcendental, so that if you do not return to his door with purity, then trust him. The hard situation of fate can be easily accepted with patience, trust and contentment.

For more details about this sonnet, see the link below.

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1 External-Link

Daily Hafez Horoscope in May

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

My heart and religion got up and downhill.

Said to be with us you have a good health

That you heard that I was happy in this tail.

That not at the end of the talk.

May Dear Fish …
You have a pure heart, and your intentions always look good that you have lost your heart and religion in the way of love. If you strengthen your faith, you will be saved from the suffering of reproach and your suffering will be resolved. If you can be a masterpiece of laughing problems and you will be proud. Make a change in your life and your mind. Turn away the bad and learn generosity.

Daily Hafez Horoscope of June Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

We did not get rid of his lips and died

We didn’t see on his fog and died

As if Nick’s talk was tight

We did not get into the burden

Dear Fish June …
This world is mortal and we are all sooner or later. Alas, it is useless. Why didn’t you appreciate it when you had her? Why didn’t you behave well so that he won’t hurt you? Set aside the pride and take the first step to attach it. If your heart is with God, the Lord’s grace will still be included.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Knight of the Sugarist with a complaint

If the tips of the love of the love are in this anecdote

Was unpaid and the end of any service I did

Or paste

Dear Fish …
If you do something for God’s satisfaction, what is your complaint? God will reward you. It is intended and close and you must be honest and truthful and believe in God. Knowledge illuminates your dark way with your knowledge, but the way is a very long and destination. Take away the wandering and frustration, otherwise you will be deadlocked.

Daily Horror Born August

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The one who has the good and the friend’s line

The scholar that he has the result

Cho Cream in his commandment

We have a razor unless he is razor

Dear Fish …
Do not deceive the appearance of others and do not trust them. It seems that one person has influenced you, but it is essentially like a hollow drum that cannot be relied upon. Everyone can say the word, but it is important to act. Listen to the advice of someone who wants you good and is more experienced than you. You have made an adventure journey, be sure to do it that has a huge impact on your mood.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born in September

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Remember that the theoretical proof was with us

The digit of your seal was found on our face

Remember that Chu’s eyes were killing me

The miracle of Jesus was on the lips of Shakarka

Dear Fish …
Your days are reminiscent of the memories of the past and the joys of the past, and these memories are so sweet that their browns make your heart relaxes, but you must know that entertaining the past makes you unaware of the present. Doubt in the path of love and friendship. Do not remove your close and compassionate friends. It’s past, think about the future to make it according to your desire. With the power of the will you can regain what you have lost.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The shower was coming and the facial

How far was the burnt heartburn again

The custom of lover and the style of the city of Ashubi

Was a garment that was stained on his stature

Dear fish seal …
Apparently you have a failure, you eat blood, and things are not in good faith. Know that this is not a permanent situation and one day the day will show you. Be honest and honest and lose your friends easily. If the one you love to deal with you is cold, be disappointed, because he is thinking about you and loves you. Never change love and love with the money and money of the world because the value of love is much higher and if you sell it, you will lose. Consult the elders and the small owners to get to know it right.

Daily Hafez Born in November

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Be happy with the breeze of the north

That comes to us.

The story


Dear Fish …
The expectations have been over and you have received the news that you have been waiting for a long time. Be happy that the time of joining the companion is very close. The story of love has begun and the time of separation is over. You will be both perfection and jamil. The square is empty to show your art, so be a man. It is best to get rid of pride and be kinder with your friends and family. Keep your words and cries in the heart and express them.

Daily Hafez Born December

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

I was sleeping in the tears last night

I used to remember your line


I remember the corner of the altar

Dear Azar …
Thought and imagination have accumulated all your mind and taken from you sleep and food, sometimes you fall into yourself while the inhumanity is chaos and sometimes tears. Take the events that happen to the good, the sadness and the sadness that will come out in the heart, and the end of happiness and happiness. The point here is that no one has come to a place by fantasy. Take the moment of life, be realistic, and face the facts of life. By enduring today’s discomfort, you know the value of tomorrow’s happiness. You are popular with your surroundings and your words are pleasing to them, be honest with your friends and sacrifice them.

Daily Hafez Daily Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1


Unlike their religion

Are under the smelly


Dear fish …
Inside you say something else and the appearance of something else. You have hidden your goodness and arts. Everyone thinks you are arrogant and arrogant, but on the contrary, you are responsible for the package. You love your companions and companions. Open your eyes and see your surroundings with insight to fool someone’s appearance. Your way of liberation is love. You will soon be released from the bondage of captivity and you will be fully obedient; At this time, throw away the hatred and turbulence and wipe your heart.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

I wrote from the blood of the heart

Ani Wright Dehra Man

I have a hundred signs of the selves

List of Objective Democratic

Dear Fish …
You have the missing you are looking for, but there are obstacles to you. You suffer from friendship. It is better to wait and give up and try. Test other ways. Consult experienced and experienced people. Take a little bit of thinking and contemplation to know your shortcomings and try to fix them.

Horoscope Horoscope Daily Born in March

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Cedar Horn to Golbang Pahlavi

Reads the lesson of spiritual authority

That is, come to the fire of Moses.

To hear from the tree of monotheism

Dear Fish March …
Whatever you do in this world, you will finally reap the same, so be careful about your deeds and behavior. The victory and defeat of man is the result of his deeds and behavior. If you fail, you have to look at your actions and behavior in order to know your mistakes and errors and gain experience from it and the light of the future. Do not be a sour and sour and talk to your friends and relatives with kindness and kindness.

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