To plant chia vegetables, first select fresh and high quality seeds and soak them in water to find jelly properties. Then spread the seeds evenly on a shallow, smooth container. Place the container in an indirect light at 1 to 2 degrees Celsius and moisten daily with water spray. To prevent molding, prevent excess water accumulation and provide proper ventilation. If the vegetable is overwhelmed, it can be shortened to make it look more beautiful and with proper care, the vegetable will remain in the lush and lush thirteen.
Planting Branch Chia for Eid
Chia Seed Seed with Quality
To have a healthy and beautiful vegetable, choosing a quality chia seed is very important. Chia seeds should be fresh, clean and free of any contamination. It is best to buy seeds from reputable stores to ensure their quality and freshness. Old or unhealthy seeds have low germination power and your vegetable may grow low and irregularly. Chia seeds have jelly properties that help them germinate better, so choosing a new seed will have a great effect on the end result.
Chia seed preparation
Chia seeds must be soaked before planting to find jelly properties. This will allow the seeds to stick to the surface of the planting bed and remain in place. To do this, pour a good amount of seeds into a container and pour lukewarm water. After a few hours, the seeds are glazed and jelly. At this point the seeds are ready to plant and can be easily spread to the desired surface.
Choose the right container
To plant chia vegetable, choose a suitable container with a shallow and shallow surface. Plate plates, plastic containers or even decorative pottery are good options. The container must have a smooth surface to spread the chia seeds well. Using patterned or flat -surface containers may cause irregular vegetable growth. Also, it is best to choose a container that does not hold excess water, as this can cause the seeds to rot and damage the vegetable.
The correct method of spreading chia seed
After the seeds are prepared, spread them uniformly on the selected container. Note that the seed layer is neither too thick nor too low, because in both cases the vegetable growth will be inappropriate. Using a spatter or spoon to spread the seeds on the surface of the container can be useful. Chia seeds adhere to the surface of the container due to their jelly properties and do not need to be covered with soil or cotton. After the seeds are spread, place the container in a suitable place to begin germination.
Suitable for germination
In order for chia vegetable to germinate well, you need to provide the ideal environmental conditions for it. The appropriate temperature for the growth of chia seeds is between 2 and 2 degrees Celsius. Indirect sunlight also helps to grow better. If you place the vegetable container in a very hot or cold environment, the process may germinate or stop. Moisture also plays an important role in the growth of vegetables, so you should keep the seeds of the seeds regularly with wet water spray.
How to properly irrigate the brunette chia
The irrigation of the vegetable should be done carefully because the chia seeds are sensitive to the flooding. In the early days, water spray is the best way to provide the moisture needed for seeds. After germination begins, the surface of the vegetable can be moistened once or twice a day. It is best to use lukewarm water without chlorine to make the seeds grow better. If the moisture is high, the seeds may be lazy and rotten, so always keep the balance in irrigation.
Prevent mildew
One of the common problems in chia vegetable is molding, which is usually caused by excessive moisture or inadequate ventilation. To prevent this problem, place the vegetable container in a proper ventilation environment and prevent excessive water from the seeds. Also, you can use a thin cloth to cover the brunette in the early days to protect environmental contamination. If mildews are observed, it can be prevented by reducing irrigation and improving air flow.
If the chia vegetable is too high, it is best to cut it a little to make it look more beautiful. The best time to shorten the vegetable is when it reaches 1 to 2 cm in height. Use a clean, clean scissors and gently scissors. This will make the vegetable uniform and prevent it from bending. Regular shortening of the vegetable will help maintain its beauty and prevent early yellowing.
Increase the shelf life of the brunette
If you want to stay fresh and lively until thirteen, you need to follow a few important things. Keep the vegetable in a balanced temperature environment and avoid exposure to direct sunlight or severe wind. Control the amount of irrigation so that it has enough moisture, but do not flood. Also, it can be delayed by placing the vegetable container in a cooler place. With these tips, Chia will remain lush and beautiful until the end of the holiday.
More knowledge
Properties of Chia Seed
The most important Properties of Chia Seed Strengthening skin health, regulating blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, maintaining heart health, increasing energy and improving mood. It is rich in omega -3, fiber, protein and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, which helps strengthen bones, prevent breast cancer and improve digestion. Chia seeds are a great option for weight loss, as they are bulky in the water and make it feel full. It also lacks gluten and is suitable for people with sensitivity to this protein, but it must be balanced to prevent gastrointestinal problems.
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