Pope Selection: How is the leader of the Catholic Church chosen?

Pop selection is one of the most attractive and mysterious processes in the world. This process, which is more than a thousand years old, is the oldest process of choosing an institution. This process has been combined with different traditions for centuries. If you are curious that behind closed doors Sistine Church (Sistine Chapel)What is the place of choice and the future of the Pope’s future, read on this article.

The following is a step by step in the process of choosing the Bishop of Rome and the leader of the Catholic Church. In the following, the pop selection process from the moment the pop dies (or retires) to the famous white smoke that announces “Habemus Papam!” (“We have a pop!”) Follow.

Step One: Empty Seat; When the Catholic Church does not have pop

Step One: Empty Seat; When the Catholic Church does not have pop

The Pope Selection Process begins when the Pope’s position, known as the Holy See, is empty. This usually happens when the pop dies. Of course, in rare cases, Pope’s resignation, such as the resignation of Pope Benedict 16 in year 2, resigns.

When one of these things happens, the church enters a period called Seed vacante It means “empty serial”. During this period, the Vatican’s daily duties are in charge of Camelongo; Cardinal who manages the administrative affairs of the new pop. This cardinal can be considered as the provisional guardian of the Vatican.

Prior to the official confirmation of the death of the pop, there is no plan for funeral or election preparation. In the past, the death of the pop is confirmed by the symbolic shot of a silver hammer on the pop forehead and his three names. Although, in modern times, this tradition is less respected, Camellango still needs to be sure that the Pope has died to break the symbolic pop ring.

Step Two: Cardinal Assembly

Step Two: Cardinal Assembly
Step Two: Cardinal Assembly

After confirming the sacred head of the sacred head, it comes to the Cardinal Assembly; Are responsible for the new pop selection. But in this process, not all cardinals are right to vote. At this time, only those under the age of 5 have the right to vote. The important point is that the number of voters is limited to 5 people. Cardinals present at the Carrical Assembly come from all over the world to symbolize the diversity of one of the oldest religious centers in the world.

Cardinals are called to travel to Rome. Finally, the cardinals usually gather at a time between 1 and 2 days after the sacred server is empty. Prior to the election, they meet in public meetings. At these meetings, they plan the deceased’s funeral and evaluate unofficially. The same sessions are the start of the informal lobby for the pop selection.

No one is publicly promoting, but cardinals may give names. Some also present the features that they want to have a future pop. For example, they say a reformist, conservative, or someone from a particular area like Africa or Latin America.

Step Three: Start Mineclaws and Closed Doors

We are now entering the main stage: Mineklav. This word from the Latin word “CUM CLOW » It means “a key”. Mineclaw refers to the confidential meeting of the Cardinals and the Pop Selection Process. Cardinals are actually trapped in one place to choose the pop.

The beginning of this tradition goes back to year 6, when the desperate people in Witbo, Italy, imprisoned the cardinals in a palace and even reduced the food quota to choose a new pop after two years of deadlock. This process is not so dramatic today, but it is still important.

Mineclaw begins with a large parade. Cardinals, wearing red dresses, go from the Palatium Apostolicum to the Sistine Church and the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus They read and demand divine guidance. When they enter the palace, everyone goes out of the room except for the selected cardinals and a few assistants and the doors are closed.

The head of the ceremony announces, “Extra omnes!” (“All Out!”). From that moment, cardinals are separated from the world and have no phone, internet or newspaper available. They stay in a simple guesthouse at St. Maria (Domus Sanctae Marthae). During this period of time, the Cardinals are spent on voting and praying in the Church of Sistine.

Step Four: Voting Process

Step Four: Pop Voting Process
Step Four: Pop Voting Process

At this stage, the elections begin. Rules of this process in a document called Universi Dominici Gregis Cited. The document was last updated by Pope John Paul II in year 2 and later made slight changes by his successors. Voting is performed in a course called reviews, with up to four voting sheets per day; Two sheets in the morning and two sheets in the afternoon.

Voting process

The voting process is simple but secure
The voting process is simple but secure

Each cardinal writes its fiancé’s name on a ballot sheet, so that the line hides it to remain anonymous. In the voting sheet: I choose you as a great pop and then the name of the candidate is inserted.
One by one, the cardinals go to the altar, pray, and put their vote in a cup.
Three of the cardinals, who are randomly elected from the Assembly, read the votes loudly, and the others re -examine the accuracy of it.

A cardinal needs two -thirds of votes to be selected. If no one reaches this, the sheets are burned with a chemical that produces black smoke, and announces to the outside world that the papage has not yet been selected. If the pop is selected, the sheets will be burned with another composition that produces white smoke.

Step Five: The big question: “Do you accept?”

Step Five: The big question:
An important question of the remaining pop

When a cardinal finally gets the necessary votes, the population of the pop is not over. “Do you accept your choice as a great pop?” The candidate can say no. If the candidate says no, the voting process begins from the beginning.

If the elected Pope says yes, the next question is, “What is the name you want to be addressed?” This is when the new pop chooses its papal name. This name is usually chosen to respect one of the former Pope or saint he likes, such as John Paul or Francis.

The new pop then goes to “Tears Room” to wear official pop clothes. This room is a small room next to the Sistine Church. Pop is white dresses designed in different sizes to eat anyone who chooses.

But why “Tears Room”? The name of this room represents the many feelings of that moment: happiness, fear, or both.

Step 6: Official announcement of new pop selection

Step 6: Official announcement of new pop selection

After the new pop wears their clothes and prepared, the Cardinals announce their loyalty at a private event. Then, Cardinal-Senior Dicken goes on the balcony of St. Peter’s Church and announces: “Annontio Vobis Gaudium Magnum: Habemus Papam!” “I have good news to you: We have a pop!” He announces the real name of the new pop and Papi’s name, and people are shouting with joy. The new pop then comes to the crowd and gives the first blessings to the people: “To the city and to the world”

Interesting facts about the choice of pop

  • When was the longest Mineclaw? In years 1 to 2, the pop selection took about three years. After this, the tradition of locking doors was built by the new Pope.
  • The shortest? In year 2, Pope Pius 12 was selected in only one day.
  • The wonders occur: Pope Francis, who was selected in 2, was an unpredictable candidate from Argentina who broke the European choice.
  • Prohibition of Technology Use: Cardinals that tweet or disclose information during Minecraft are expelled from the church.

Why is the choice of pop?

Pope’s choice is not just a religious ritual; It also chooses a church orientation with more than 1.5 billion members. This selection represents the Cardinal’s view of theology, global issues and the future of the church.

In your opinion, should Mineclaw someday broadcast live or should the process remain traditionally secret?

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