The best time to use zinc: morning or night?

Zinc tablets One of the essential supplements is particularly considered in the cold and flu season. This mineral is commonly found in losses, tablets and multivitamins, all of which are promoted to strengthen the immune system. But when is it exactly Zinc’s time? Is the morning better or the night? The answer is not easy.

Why is zinc important?

Zinc is a vital mineral that plays many roles in your body. Zinc is essential for proper growth and development, healthy immune system, and functions such as wound healing, taste and DNA and protein, according to Carol Haghs, a scientific and health advisor at the National Institute of Health. Its association with diseases such as heart disease, cancer and even depression has also been considered.

However, despite its importance, many people do not get enough zinc. In fact, about 2 percent of the world’s population of Zinc shortage They suffer that can lead to mental disorders, skin problems, and reduced taste and smell.

How much zinc to consume?

The need for zinc vary depending on the age, gender and life stage:

  • Adult men: 1 mg daily
  • Adult women: 1 mg daily
  • Pregnant women: 1 mg daily
  • Breastfeeding women: 1 mg daily

Although most people in the United States receive sufficient zinc through their diet, some groups, such as the elderly, vegan and people with gastrointestinal problems, may not be able to get enough zinc.

Zink food

Instead of relying on supplements, it is best to focus on zinc food sources. Animal foods such as meat, fish and mussels (especially fresh mussels) are rich sources of zinc. Other great sources include eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, lentils, peas, and spinach.

The best time to use zinc: morning or night?

Zinc supplements are not as important as you might think. The most important is, at what distance you take from your meals. According to the Mayo Clinic’s recommendations, the best time to eat zinc is an hour before meals or two hours after meals. This is because some nutrients such as fiber can disrupt zinc absorption.

If zinc is your stomach upset, it is best to eat with food or adjust your diet to increase zinc.

Tips and items you should avoid

  • Avoid zinc with iron supplements or calcium: These minerals can disrupt zinc absorption. If you consume both, separate them at least two hours.
  • Choose a brand that has left third -party experiments: To ensure purity, power and safety, look for NSF or USP labels on packaging.

Side effects and warnings

While zinc is useful for many people, excessive consumption can cause problems. Some of the common side effects of zinc overdose are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Vertigo
  • Stomach pain
  • Reducing the performance of the immune system in case of high consumption

Also, taking zinc supplements for a long time and at high doses can cause copper deficiency in the body, which may cause neurological problems such as weakness or anesthesia. Therefore, you need to consult your doctor before taking zinc supplements to make sure the proper dose and duration of use.

Zinc’s impact on skin problems

Zinc can help treat some skin problems such as acne and open wounds. According to studies, Zinc can accelerate the process of skin improvement because of its anti -inflammatory and restorative properties. Zinc’s consumption, along with other vitamins and minerals, can help reduce skin inflammation and treat wounds caused by injuries.

Zinc plant sources

If you are a vegetarian or your diet lacks animal products, you can benefit from Zinc’s herbal sources. Some of these sources include pumpkin seeds, lentils, chickpeas, beans, whole grains, and spinach. However, it is important to keep in mind that zinc absorption is less than plant sources than animal sources, because plants contain phytate that can reduce zinc absorption.

Zinc: Key to Health

Zinc is an essential mineral that helps your body perform many vital functions. Since many people receive adequate zinc through their diet, you need to carefully consider your nutrition to ensure the daily need for this mineral. If you need a supplement, remember that it is important to use it, especially distances from meals and other supplements. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplements to make sure it is appropriate for you and prevent possible side effects.

Frequently asked questions about zinc

Is zinc intake safe every day?

While getting enough zinc is essential, excessive consumption can cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness and headaches. The maximum permissible value for adults is 2 mg / day and it is very important to consult your doctor to determine the right amount for you.

Is zinc effective in treating colds?

Some research has shown that zinc may shorten the duration of the cold if consumed within the first 2 hours. Zinc or zinc syrups are effective for short -term use. But avoid zinc in the form of nasal spray, as it can cause smell.

What helps Zinc better attracted?

Acid foods such as vinegar and foods containing vitamin C, such as Citrus fruits, can help absorb zinc. Zinc is also better absorbed by animal sources. This explains why vegan and vegetarians should be careful about receiving their zinc, as phytate in some vegetable foods can reduce zinc absorption. Using specific food preparation techniques, such as soaking beans, cereals and seeds for a few hours before baking, can help increase zinc absorption.

Source: Goodhousekeeping

Warning! This is merely an educational aspect and you need to consult a physician or specialist. More information
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