Daily Hafez Born April
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The boom is Shabab
It comes
O Saba to the youth of the lawn lawn
Our service to cedar and flower and basil
Dear Fish …
You will not be honored and happy, these precious moments will no longer be. Wait for good news and don’t forget God to get it. The end of your wishes will be fulfilled and you will reach yourself and the hardship and sadness will be left out of you. Turn away the fear. Faith and sincerity keep you away from any disaster. Relying on your arm and whatever you want from God to achieve your goal. For the sake of someone or something, you are very honored to achieve the goal of the best, but they are not in the face of good people, so be cautious and take care of the deceitful people. If you go with alertness, you will not be damaged.
Daily Hafez Horoscope in May
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Al -Maneh al -‘Allah which is open in
Zan that I need on her on her
Bends all in the boils of drunkenness
Van May where the truth is not allowed
May Dear Fish …
Don’t be fooled by the promises of others. People around you have made your grace, blessings and mercy have given you a lot of mercy, and you have provided what you need, so never proud your possessions. You will find what you lost. You have a great success and you will achieve your goal, of course, you have to be a little patient and trust in God. Do not miss the fleeting joys of the world, all of which are going. The way for you is open only to the open eye.
Daily Hafez Horoscope of June Born
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The bent is your trap of disbelief and religion
Her work is her one
The miracle is good but
The Hadith of your hawk is magic
Dear Fish June …
On the way to the goal, you have problems and problems. Don’t be safe from the enemy’s trick because they are jealous of your position. Although there are hardships to achieve your goal or to reach a sweet help, be sure that you can achieve your goal with a little tact and trust in God. Take your pure and intimate heart as a gift from God because it gives you a great spiritual power. Give this malevolent gift to God.
Daily Hafez
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Don’t see you on you and the labyrinth is rival
There is still a bud on a bud
Come to your cooker isn’t so strange
Because I have a thousands of strangers in that wall
Dear Fish …
You are a kind and kind person who has stepped in a dangerous way. The way you have to deal with thousands of rivals and opponents. Your pain physician is in love that heals the separation. The feeling of homeland is overwhelmed, but you will soon reach your heart and everyone will be happy and happy.
Daily Horror Born August
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
I am constantly drunk
Breaks down every tail of the eye of the magic
After several nights of patience or paste can see
I have seen a candle in the altar of the eyebrow
Dear Fish …
With the determination that you have, you can disrupt the whole world. Looking at the world is very good, and you are so happy with this situation that you never think about it. Sometimes you consider yourself to be so light and abandoned that you have flown in the imagination in the sky, but these fantasies have no fruit for you, so use your strong will, make your world and the hereafter.
Daily Hafez Horoscope Born in September
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The clarity of Talat is not the moon
Before you does not have a plant boom
The corner of your eyebrow is my house
It is not better than this king’s corner
Dear Fish …
Life without love is of no value, and even if you take the right treasure for your future for your future, life is in the right direction, life is in accordance with your meaning and the future of happiness. Always remove pride and arrogance. Treat your friends kindly so that you can help them when needed. The needy and those who hope to your help are in time for the ability to remember. It is the best thing to ignore and disregard those who prevent you on your way and try to change your opinion with obscene encounters.
Daily Hafez
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The fusion of life to be the work of the heart and failed
We did in this raw wish and failed
He told Laba to be your Majlis Mir
I was lurking in his own desire and could not
Dear fish seal …
You have made your life and your heart and you did all the effort to achieve the goal, but you didn’t get the desired result. Instead of insisting on this way, it is useless and you have to find another way in your life. Do not despair that God will make your pleasure. Go back to the past and see where the problem is. You can make up for the weakness by finding the weaknesses. All problems will have a solution.
Daily Hafez Born in November
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
O pistachios laughing on the hadith of sugar
I am eager to laugh at God.
Tuba you will not be tail
Sawn of the story that is talked loud
Dear Fish …
You have been so in love that no one is equal to you and the experience of love is not everyone. Smile makes everything beautiful, but knowing that nothing can be underestimated. Stop making fun of others because you may break people’s hearts. Talking about the irony and irony of the people and the turbulent situation of the people. Maybe you were caught up for yourself and others laugh at you. If you leave these things, people will always accept you. Life has a lot of up and down. Traveling in the present good time as long as you behave cautiously and wisely.
Daily Hafez Born December
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The world pulled out on Eid eyebrows
Eid crescent in the eyebrows must see
Broken patrol cho behind my stature crescent
Yaram Cho’s eyebrow archery
Dear Azar …
Although nothing is in accordance with your heart today, it will finally show you the fortune. Do not try different ways to achieve the desired goal so you can get the desired result. The willingness is present to any loyalty to you and tolerate any reproach and hardship; Take away your boredom and talk to him. It is very possible to get anything valuable only by trying, so if you really want that precious thing, leave life and heart. Listen to the advice and advice of your surroundings because they love you and want your goodness.
Daily Hafez Daily Born
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Saba from the home of the orbit
He to the lover of the orbiter
To the sugar that is lucky to the flower
Dear fish …
You expect to hear the news that you will soon be aware of. Go to the Lord’s gate and bring His worship instead. With the efforts of the highest peaks, they will be conquered, and doing everything in the world will be very easy with strong will. So try hard to achieve your desires. You get a lot of wealth, spend some of it in the way of God to the needy, as this makes you sad. Now that the happy time has begun, you remember your old friends, occasionally with a happy gift, this will strengthen your friendship, it makes them remember you and become a favorite of your hearts. Set aside the doubt and duplicity, the patience to see how sad and joy replaces it.
Daily Hafez Horoscope Born Born
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Thousands of sugar I saw to your open palate
Helply and souls with my heart.
Rahed Rae Rae
Comrade love what is the sadness of the ups and downs
Dear Fish …
Soon you will get what you want, and this is the help of God and of course your insistence on the way to achieve the goal. Now, at any moment, you are ignorant of the Lord, and thanks to him, even if you are caught up and tired up and down your life. Come with yourself; With tears and sadness, you will do nothing. The fate of many events has been for you; Be the man of action to confront them all and reach the government. He hurts others with unassuming words. Do not share your secrets with anyone not to be happy.
Horoscope Horoscope Daily Born in March
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Upright and in the bowl of golden water
Pre -shot to become a dirt bowl
The end of our home is a silent valley
Now in the planetary dome
Dear Fish March …
Life is a gift that God has given you to achieve your wishes, try to make the most of it until the day you die for the loss of opportunities. Wealth is not so valuable, so do not give the world’s greed and make your main purpose of life happiness and joy. You are always saddened by sadness and pursuing everything with despair, for success, you first get away with tears and sighs, and do not grieve for something that is not lasting. Your heart is healed when you are on the doorstep of right. Divide the pessimism and polish your heart like a mirror.
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