Horoscope Daily Horoscope Wednesday 1 March 1403 with precise meaning and interpretation

Daily Hafez Born April

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Go to your work. The preacher. What shout

What did you do with your heart.

Between him that God has created from no

It’s a minute that no creature has been created

Dear Fish …
Thanks to God instead of His grace, and you will find whatever you want. You will be proud and success in business and business. It is very precious to use every single minute of your life. Don’t do in vain. Soon doubts will be out of your existence and the right way will be revealed.

Daily Hafez Horoscope in May

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1



Dear Time Go Come to Judgment

A life that went without a crowd and the cup

May Dear Fish …
Think of your past. What have you gathered for yourself? What have you done for your future? Time is like electricity and wind and you have not benefited from your life. All of this is because of your pride. Set aside your pride and arrogance so that you can rebuild everything. Ask God and repent to His door to return your lost life and clean your heart full of grudge.

Daily Hafez Horoscope of June Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Hussein took the world with the sake of

Yes, the universe can be taken

Disclosure of the secrets of the backyard asked the candle

Thank God that his head in the tongue

Dear Fish June …
You can’t do your job alone. You need a honest friend and colleague who will help you and at the same time keep your heart the secret. Without a friend, your love will not be flame. Don’t worry, because he can be a good support for you to go to goals and will make the way for you.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The pain is not our

Hajar is not our end

Religion and their hearts and intend to die

Al -Ghias of Al -Ghias

Dear Fish …
Despair has come to you and you are very frustrated. You were as long as you were in the minds that were all lost. Look at life real and do not engage yourself in emotions. Every event is a precious experience for you that you can use in the future.

Daily Horror Born August

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

If Rome is seduced by sedition

Sit down to grudge from

And if the passage of a tail of loyalty

Cho Round Flowed Flowed Cho

Dear Fish …
There are two ways in every human life. Now you are also hesitant to make a decision. Never do something that has nothing but confusion and ambiguity without thinking. Take advantage of the help and help of friends. With a bit of thinking about the problem you can easily overcome it. You can’t fight with the events of the day, so it is better to take patience to make life happy.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born in September

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

I won’t be stamped out of my eyes.

The sky is the sky. It and no longer will

Rival harassed and did not replace reconciliation

Unless oh the magician won’t be turned on

Dear Fish …
You are silent and passionate about the inhumanity of others. Have a little patience to make all the work on its own. Avoid your competitors and do things based on reason and logic. Nothing can be done with crying and crying. You have to try to double your efforts. Do not forget the morning prayer so that whatever you need to pray is in the morning. Every human being must be vigilant to make the most of the opportunity.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Remember that was the head of the house.

The observation was clear from the soil in your

Right like lily and flower from pure talk

Was in tongue

Dear fish seal …
You had a sympathetic and companion friend that you lost. Alas, you are a good thing, and that the day is always lurking in the joys. This is the rule of life and you can’t fight it, so why have you drowned yourself in the past? Alas it has no benefit to the past. What remains in the past is only memories. Learn from the past and what happened to use them to progress forward. The issues and problems that arise you need to manage, so put aside the fantasy and neglect, consult with the elders and the wise, and do not be indifferent to what happens.

Daily Hafez Born in November

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Another Horn of Sahi Sahi Nighting Nightingale

Golbang shouted that bad eyes out of the flower away

O flower to thank you that you are the king of Hassan

Do not proud with the noble cloak

Dear Fish …
You will achieve all your wishes for the jealousy of the eyes and because of your patience and endurance. Set aside your flock and complaint and be convinced of whatever you have. Do not endanger yourself in seeking something that is out of reach of you. Do not rush because everything is bored. Be happy with others, lest the successes you have brought to pride and arrogance. God forgives the sinners and loves the repentance, do not despair of His mercy. In the end, knowing that it is not the Hijran, you do not like the sweetness of the joiner and it is not dark, I do not understand what light and light is.

Daily Hafez Born December

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The idea of ​​the nightmare is all that the flower was

Flower in thought that like love in his work

Not all that is not all to fall in love

The eunuch is to be the sadness of his servant

Dear Azar …
It is the property of life that everyone in every position and position has its own view of the events around them, just as all your thoughts and mention is busy and he is thinking of love, the wheel is always rotating, and the world will certainly not remain like that. . So be forward -looking and do not hurry in things. However, you have been tightened by hypocritical humans, look at the future with optimism. Tackle the difficulties of life brave and do not despair; You will succeed because of your pure heart. Appreciate the blessing of love. Keep in the subordinates and the needy so that God will help you. Your passenger will return to health.

Daily Hafez Daily Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The love and the youth and the wine



Nick Name Name

Dear fish …
You have all the opportunities and you have the opportunity to prove yourself to others. If you think a little bit, everything will be advice. God is very much liked to give you a good status and wealth; Now we have to see what you do in the face of this divine grace and how you are thankful. You have a good friends and family, appreciate them and accompany them at the party and the joy, otherwise you have forbidden your life and lost the opportunity for happiness.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Sufi let’s get rid of Salus

Vienna gives the role of glitter to the null

Vow and conquest of the monastery

The Diane’s Divine Claim

Dear Fish …
The desire to make positive changes in you has been institutionalized, when you want to make a change, you go to it, but you must first provide the preparations and do not go into the water. Remember God and keep in touch with your god. Avoid inappropriate things, not all problems are resolved with money. One day you see that you have no luggage for the Hereafter. Hurry up and give up sin. Happiness is not a sin provided that there is no sin. This ball and this field, say Bismillah and do not extend your feet than the carpet.

Horoscope Horoscope Daily Born in March

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Take the time to the booty as much as you can

The result of life is the life of this tail

The panel has a gardon overrun

Jump from the government to the government

Dear Fish March …
You’ve been involved in this mortal world and lost the real result of life, appreciate every single moment of your life, be careful not to waste your life easily. Do not leave your secret with the unholy so that you do not suffer the trouble and jealousy of others. You have to strive to achieve the goal. Take care of your work and work with rationality and patience so that you do not divert and fail with your negligence. Pay more to your friends.

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