The meaning of Ali Salka’s Eye Trump was revealed, leaked

These days, everywhere, talks from a Golpayegani lady who reads the poem in front of the camera on February 7: “San Ali Skhka, Trump’s Eyes.” This clip quickly became Viral from the first moments of release, and many influenza and bloggers used it to create humorous video content. But what does it mean for Golpayegan’s local dialect and indigenous culture?

Smoking March is very common to avoid wound eyes. When we poured the seeds of March on the fire, we send Salavat, and March smoke in folk culture is a symbol of abusive people. March seeds have three cracks that burst into folk beliefs means the human eye burst. The word three in this poem refers to the Turks of March, and the people of Golpayegan read the poem when smoke: That Ms. Golpayegani has changed this native poem in the best possible way due to the March 7th march.

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