How long does it take to change your last name?

Reviewing the last name is one of the issues related to the registration area that is subject to specific laws and regulations in Iran. In the past, it had to be referred to the court to change the surname, but this process is currently being carried out by the Registrar and has been largely facilitated. However, the process of changing the surname in Iran, from the time of submission to the competent authorities to the issuance of a new birth certificate, can lead to between one and six months according to the legal conditions and steps.

In the meantime, factors such as protesting the verdict and appealing request can also affect the prolongation of this process. Also, it should be noted that by providing the necessary documents and compliance with the relevant rules, you can Change the name name Success successfully and choose a new and appropriate surname as quickly as possible.

How long does it take to change your last name?

To change the surname, after submitting a request to the competent authorities, the final vote usually takes between one and three months. After issuing a verdict and submitting a certificate of verification to the District Registry, the new ID card of the applicant will be issued about one to two weeks later. If the person objected to the verdict and the appeal, the request and the final vote may also take about one to two months. Therefore, overall, the process of changing the surname, from the timing of the application to the issuance of a new birth certificate, can take between one and six months according to the legal conditions and steps.

Can everyone change their name?

According to the laws in the country, anyone can rename their names by referring to the registration offices. However, since this is possible only once in each person’s life, people need to be careful in choosing their new name. In fact, renaming is one of the registration affairs, and it is necessary for the applicant to go to one of the registration offices with the necessary documents. It is worth noting that the choice of a new name must be in accordance with the laws and regulations in this field. For example, the choice of names that are contrary to Islamic dignity or names previously selected by someone else are not allowed.

Documents required to change the name of the birth certificate

To rename it in the birth certificate, you must submit documents including the original ID and two copies of all pages. Also, if your age is younger than 5 years, you should also present your father’s birth certificate, paternal grandfather or guardian. In some cases, there may be a need to provide advice, which is commonly used to change religious names. Also, for this purpose you need to complete the name for a renamed application form and pay the relevant fee.

Is it possible to select any name to change the name name?

There are certain rules and regulations about renaming in Iran. According to the Census Act, some names are forbidden due to their contradiction with Islamic standards, pornography or other reasons and cannot be selected. These names are also designated by the Supreme Council of Registration. Changable names in the registration are divided into two categories.

The first category consists of banned names that can be easily changed. These names are mentioned in Article 5 of the District Registration Act and include items such as non -Islamic names, inappropriate composite names, titles, titles, nasty and pornographic names, names representing abusing attributes, names contrary to custom and culture, humiliating names, inappropriate names With sex, waste words, spelling errors, repetitive names in the family, changing names from Arabic to Persian and more.

The second category contains names that are not mentioned in Article 2 and are more difficult to change. These names, both religious and non -religious, need to be justified and justified to change. In fact, in order to change these names, you need to be able to convince the court that you have enough reason to make this change.

Eligible individuals in changing the name of ID

One of the main requirements for renaming is the applicant’s age. A person who intends to rename them must be 18 years or more and be so -called adult. If the applicant is under 18, he must submit a ruling from the court. For people under 18, of course, there is also a way to rename it, which is that the father, paternal ancestor or legal supervisor can apply for a renaming.

Another issue that is important in renamed is the type of name chosen. The selection of nasty titles and names that cause the dignity of Islamic sanctuaries is prohibited under the Census Law. Therefore, you should be careful about choosing a new name and avoid choosing inappropriate names.

Regarding the mention of Siadat, it should be noted that for those whose patriarchals have been proven in their paternal and ancestral documents, it is necessary to mention Sayyid in the birth certificate. This is also one of the things to consider when changing the name.

The time of changing the name name

Renamed in the birth certificate is a process that is reviewed by the Registrar after the application is registered. In this review, the applicant’s conditions for renamed and compatibility with the relevant rules are evaluated. In case of eligibility and disagreement with the rules that in Dadso Magazine It is said that the applicant’s request will be approved and his name will be modified in the birth certificate.

In this regard, one of the common questions for applicants is the time required to rename. In response, it should be said that after the application is registered, it takes about 7 days for the registration agency to be renamed. After the licensing, the applicant has a six -month opportunity to follow the renaming process online. After about 1 to 2 weeks, the name is applied to the registration system and the person can apply for a new name replacement by visiting the counter offices.

About 6 months after the replacement request is submitted, a new birth certificate will be sent to the person. It should also be noted that after renaming, all one’s identity documents, including national card and certification, are also updated with a new name.

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