The story of the prayer of Imam Hussein (AS) is that during the caliphate of Imam Ali (AS) for some time Kufa suffered a severe famine and the Kufis went to Imam Ali (AS) and asked them to pray for rain. At that moment Imam Ali (AS) said to his son, Imam Hussein (AS), “Get up and ask God to rain.” Imam Hussein (AS) rose up and read this prayer:
Allah, the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet (peace be upon him) Instead, Tanfis al -Zayyafi Mani al -Abadak and his transcendence to the miracle
My Lord! O God, good and blessings! Watered us from the rain of the sky; The abundance of rain, pervasive, massive, processing, fines, psyche, and thirsty lands by which you take the bracelets of the powerless servants and revive the dead lands. Amine or paste.
It is said to have been raining afterwards, as the same effect Prayer of the Rain of the Prophet (peace be upon him) He had a famine.
If you are also planning to read the prayer of rain and the fall of heavenly rain, we suggest that in addition to reciting Imam Hussein’s prayer to rain, Prayer of Sajadiyyah Rain And Imam Reza (AS) Rain Prayer Don’t forget.
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