Daily Hafez Born April
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
I heard a pleasant word that old Canaan said
The divorce does not make it possible to say
Hadith Hul Hul Hurry, who said the preacher of the city
Honitist who said of the time of Hijran
Dear Fish …
You tolerate the pain of the help that you have to accept God’s appreciation. There is a slander that is from your enemies. Do not doubt that you will get the result of your good work elsewhere. Whenever you say something based on logic and scientific principles so that your rivals will use them against yourself. If you do well, you will reap the good; This is one of the basic principles of life.
Daily Hafez Horoscope in May
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
My head of love was youthful.
The van of the secret I slammed into my heart
From the point of view of the chickens.
Hold O who have been trapped in the trap
May Dear Fish …
You have a task that is too much and overwhelmed by you, but with a little effort and help from others. Do not forget the moderation and moderation in everything. Be honest so that you can get everything you want. If you treat others with tricks, you will get caught up in the trick and this is very bad and it doesn’t have a good end.
Daily Hafez Horoscope of June Born
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Not witness that has a hair and middle
Talat’s servant be the one who has an instant
While the way is delicate but
Its goodness and the gentleness that has such
Dear Fish June …
The world is a place of passing, and what is not sustainable does not deserve it. In the spring one has to think of the fall. Beautiful appearances are very deceitful and you should not be deceived. It is necessary to choose a companion and accompanying care. In life instead of looking for a beautiful face, look for goodness. Do not consult anyone and just tell your heart the secret to the reliable people. Set aside your pride and listen to the advice of your true friends.
Daily Hafez
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Yaram Cho Qaddah
The buman market fails
Anyone who gives his eyes. She said
Kuki to get drunk
Dear Fish …
You’ve done all your efforts to achieve the purpose and have done all the things you thought are right. Continue your effort and get out of your heart. Hoping always multiply the chances of achieving the goal and success. Trust in God and patience is the key to success in all things.
Daily Horror Born August
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Help and no one can see what happened to the companions
Friendship Ki came out. What did the lovers come
The water of the dark animal became Khadr Farrok
Blood dripping from the flower of the spring. What happened to the spring
Dear Fish …
You look at you around you, but you do not find someone who deserves a close friendship with you, and you think the path of chastity and masculinity is lost, and you feel lonely. Sorry will not be resolved. You should not waste time and hands. Take a problem with trust in God and strong will to solve your problems. Disappointment is like a pest that takes you away. No one except God knows about the secrets of the day and future events.
Daily Hafez Horoscope Born in September
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The receipt of the good news that the days will not be sad
Not that won’t be so.
I was in the opinion of the Khaksar
Rival will not be such a respected
Dear Fish …
Good news that the time of hardship and sadness ended. It is time for happiness and enjoyment of life, so take advantage of your life that the world is mortal. Thank God for these moments and do not forget that you do not deceive fleeting joys. As the sorrows have gone, the joys are gone one day, the wise man uses the joy so much that he would not regret it later. The only thing left of man is the good name, so help the poor, and make a good name for yourself.
Daily Hafez
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Or paste this laughing nose that you gave up to the character
I let you go from the eyes of her lawn
Though of the Vafa Cui to a hundred steps away
Wind of the pest around the carousel from life and tension
Dear fish seal …
You have seen a friendly friend, but you continue to pray for his health and give him away from the bad eyes of God. It is impossible for you to achieve wishes. Soon you will be very pleasant and pleasant. You are restless and restless. Be patient to be patient with what you want. Everyone you see you know about your purpose. This may be very bitter, but tomorrow’s joiner is infinitely sweet. The one who trusts in God does not fear. Take yourself to the fate and be sure that whatever comes to him is the truthfulness of him.
Daily Hafez Born in November
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Except that religion and knowledge of my hand
Come say what side of your love
Although my life was saddened to the wind
To the soil of your beloved feet that I did not vow
Dear Fish …
To the covenant you have with others, you are loyal and adhered to, and this is the best test for measuring your honesty and faith. You have spent your life on the path to love, and though the benefits and proceeds of love have not come to you, you have not stopped love. The irony, and even the advice of others to leave the policy and behavior has not affected you, however you think he doesn’t appreciate you; If you see the beloved of disregard, you are upset, cute, and turning the attribute of the beloved, even though he is a kind and affectionate person. Although today’s mood is not good today, in the future you will achieve happiness and happiness. Patience and lose hope.
Daily Hafez Born December
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Had you leave the flower mud
I am a lukewarm.
Where is the Motabat to all the product of asceticism and science
To do not sing at work
Dear Azar …
A new window of life has opened up and has entered a new phase of your life. Rationally reached enough growth; So complete your faith and practice. You are upset about the devotion and hypocrisy. Thanks to God, they are included and give you a valuable letter that you will be very happy. Do a luggage for your hereafter.
Daily Hafez Daily Born
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
Lights on you a candle of butterfly
Me no moody with your mood.
To the smell of your cruel beyla
Dear fish …
You don’t imagine a bright future for yourself. You do everything you can to do, and you have a wish for you. You’re tired, especially when you see how comfortable others are. But don’t worry and upset, they give you a good news that hears your existence and you try again and see the result. You do not need to make your life plan based on the will of others.
Daily Hafez Horoscope Born Born
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
To his life that you were hot to die
The minimum offering of his servants was it
You said what price is the soil of his feet
If you were eternal life of life
Dear Fish …
If you haven’t achieved your dream these days, be disappointed. You have to try more to achieve the desired result. The world has a lot of ups and downs, and if you do not get your desire, we will avoid your sadness and sadness; Maybe it is good for you. No one knows tomorrow, if not today, it will be for you tomorrow.
Horoscope Horoscope Daily Born in March
Hafiz’s sonnet # 1
The chest is painful.
Hearts lonely came to life God
Eye -of -the -way eye
Sagia Jami to me ten
Dear Fish March …
You feel sad and you have no sympathy for yourself. Don’t let the despair infiltrate you. The endurance of the suffering brings the end of man to the goal. You can’t bite with problems alone; Take the events and share your secret with my friends and seek them. Problems are not just for you, this world is turbulent and life is hard for everyone. Be patient and resistant and do not deal with the problems of shoulders so that you can overcome the hardships. Trust in God that the end of the night is white. Set aside the comfort in love and put it at the heart of the dangers that come to love with suffering and hardship.
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