To plant Nowruz Michage, soak the quality seeds in the water for 1 to 2 hours. Then put them in a damp cloth to sprout. After 1 to 2 days, sprout the sprouts in a suitable container on a cotton layer and keep moist daily with water spray. Place the vegetable in a place with indirect light and temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees. Follow proper ventilation and balanced irrigation to prevent mildew. After complete growth, reduce irrigation and keep the vegetable in a cool place.
Selection of the right mung bean
To plant a beautiful and healthy vegetable, the first step is to choose quality mung bean. Fresh and healthy seeds germinate faster and will grow better. When shopping, use seeds that are natural, uniform, and without black or white spots. Avoid buying old or pesticides, as some may not sprout or grow properly. Organic seeds without chemicals are a better option. To test the seed quality, throw a few of them into the water. The seeds that remain on the surface of the water are often lower quality.
Appropriate timing for planting
To have a beautiful and beautiful vegetable, you need to have the right planting time. The best time to plant mung beans is about 2 to 5 days before Nowruz. If you start planting earlier this time, the vegetable will grow too much and will appear inappropriate. On the other hand, if you act later, the vegetable may not grow enough and remain short. Considering the environmental conditions such as room temperature and the amount of light, determine the exact timing to have a thick, colorful vegetable.
Soaking and preparing seeds
After selecting quality seeds, you need to soak them properly to prepare for germination. Pour the mung beans into a pan and pour enough water on them to cover thoroughly. It is best to use lukewarm water to get better soaking. Seeds are usually between 1 and 2 hours. During this time, replace water several times to prevent bad odor or fungus growth. After soaking, rinse the seeds and allow them to remove a little moisture.
The germination of the seeds of the seeds
To start germination, spread the soaked seeds on a wet cotton cloth and cover it with another layer of fabric. Keep the fabric moist but prevent it from getting too wet. An environment with temperate temperatures (about 1 to 2 ° C) and indirect light is the best conditions for germination. After 1 to 2 days, the seeds begin to bud. At this point, the buds should not be too lifted, as they may be damaged when moving to the main container.
Select the right container for planting
Choosing the right container has a great impact on the growth and beauty of the vegetable. Wide and shallow surface containers are the best option because they make the vegetable grow uniformly and dense. Ceramic and ceramic containers are superior to plastic containers, as they provide better air flow in the roots. You can also use glass containers or wooden trays. Make sure that the container has a good drainage to prevent excessive water accumulation, as excessive moisture can cause the seeds to rot.
Transfers of germinated seeds to the container
After the seeds are germinated, you should move them to the main container. First, cover the bottom of the container with a thin layer of cotton or cotton so that the roots can grow well. Then sprinkle the germinated seeds evenly on the surface of the container. The seed layer should not be too thick, as it can cause mold. After picking the seeds, sprinkle with some water on them to keep them moist. Place the container in a place with indirect light and cover the seeds with a damp cloth for the first few days.
Correct irrigation and moisture control
One of the important things to have a healthy and thick vegetable is the right irrigation. Seeds need enough moisture in the early days, but should not be immersed in water. The best way to irrigate is to use water spray that supplies moisture uniformly. Spray the vegetable with lukewarm water 2 to 5 times a day. Increase irrigation times if you see excessive dryness. At the same time, be careful that excessive moisture does not cause mold and unpleasant odor.
Light and temperature suitable for growth
After the seeds are transferred to the main container, you need to provide them with good conditions for their growth. Indirect light is the best option, as direct sunlight can cause the leaves to become yellow and dry. The ideal temperature for vegetable growth is between 1 and 2 ° C. If the environment is too hot, the vegetables become too loud and weak. In very cold environments, vegetable growth will also slow down. To uniformly grow, rotate the vegetable container every day for light to reach all parts of it evenly.
Prevent yellow or mildew.
One of the problems you may encounter when planting mung bean is yellow or mold. The main cause of yellowing is the lack of light or inappropriate temperature. If your vegetable is yellow, move it to an environment with more light and more appropriate temperature. Mildews usually occur due to excessive moisture and inappropriate ventilation. To avoid this problem, avoid excessive water spray and place the vegetable in a place with the right air flow. Also, if parts of the brunette are molded, you can gently remove them and spray some lemon juice.
Correction and maintenance of the vegetable until the end of Nowruz
Once your vegetable has reached the desired size, you need to take care to maintain its vitality. The recommendation of the Chi Shi site is to reduce the irrigation slightly in the final days so that the brunette is not too high. If some parts of the vegetable have grown inappropriate, you can arrange them with scissors. To prevent caries, check the under the container regularly and empty it if the water is accumulated. Keep the vegetable in an environment at a good temperature and in the final days, place it in the open space to make it more fresh and refreshing.
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Planting the vegetable bean
For Planting Branch Bean NowruzChoose healthy and fresh beans (red, chickpeas or white) and soak in water for 1 to 2 hours. Then spread them in a shallow container with a bed of cotton or wipes. In the early days, keep the container in the dark and warm environment to begin germination. Then move it to an environment with indirect light and temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees. Moisturize with water spray daily and avoid excessive irrigation and inappropriate ventilation to prevent molding. After enough growth, keep the vegetable in enough light to stay green until Easter.
Planting the vegetable
For PlantChoose fresh and healthy seeds and soak in the water for 2 to 4 hours to glaze. Then spread them uniformly on a bed of cotton, cotton or damp sponge. To maintain moisture, cover the seeds with a perforated nylon and place the container in an environment with indirect light and balanced temperature. Moisturize with water spray 2 to 3 times daily and avoid excessive irrigation and inappropriate ventilation to prevent molding. After germination, remove the nylon and place the vegetable in sufficient natural light to grow and stay happy until Nowruz.
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