The main treatment of cancer in today’s societies is chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which, despite the positive effect on cancer cells, can have a negative and toxic effect on living cells. Therefore, many studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of other foods on cancer. Although it takes a long time to replace today’s cancer treatment with other methods; But can be as a helpful method of consumption Natural honey Got help. Natural honey has been of interest to many researchers in recent years. Though Properties of natural honey On cancer cells, it seems that this honey can be effective in treating inflammation and tumor. It also has many antioxidant properties and can strengthen the immune system.
Properties of natural honey to treat cancer
Cancer is known as one of the most common diseases in the world, affecting more than 11 million people each year and killing more than 7.6 million people worldwide. The process of cancer is a multi -stage process that first begins with a single cell and gradually exacerbates by rapidly proliferating in other cells and engaging much of the body. Standard cancer treatments include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Natural honey is used to treat cancer because of its antioxidant, anti -inflammatory and immune enhancers.
Properties of honey to reduce the proliferation of cancer cells
Epithelial cells are divided into several other cells throughout life. The production process in this cell cycle is regulated and monitored by several different proteins. When cancer cells are proliferating, they may include a large part of your body tissue. In such circumstances, the only way to control the disease is to use drugs that can prevent cancer cell proliferation. One Properties of natural honeyThe anti -proliferation properties are cells. Natural honey is actually inhibiting the growth of new cells and does not allow the cell production cycle to be repeated. Therefore, the number of cancer cells is reduced day by day. In addition, new cells do not grow from cancer tissue.
The effect of honey on tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is the first factor to start and improve the tumor. Honey with specific ingredients and enzymes it creates can reduce the tumor necrosis factor. In addition to honey, royal gel proteins are present in Natural honey They also have anti -tumor properties. Honey also stimulates monocytes to release tumor necrosis. This release can also reduce the growth of effective cancer cells and reduce inflammation.
Properties of natural honey to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation
It may be interesting to know that chronic inflammation is associated with cancer in the body. Long -term and excessive inflammation can damage cell tissue and increase recovery. Natural honey It has a very good anti -inflammatory response and can help reduce inflammation in the body by regulating inflammatory enzymes and cytokine. Since in cancer, cancer cell activity is associated with a lot of inflammation; Honey can be used to reduce inflammation. Honey helps regulate anti -inflammatory factors and can strengthen the immune system. When you eat natural honey, antibodies and red blood cells increase. This causes the body to deal with cancer cells on itself.
Antioxidant Properties of Natural Honey and Cancer Treatment
The role of oxidative stress, including free radicals in the carcinogenic process in the body, has been proven by various studies. Free oxygen and active nitrogen radicals can have a great effect on cell DNA. Cells can create an immune system against oxidative damage. The defensive system consists of antioxidants or oxidative protective agents such as catalase, superoxide dismothase, peroxidase, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and polyphenols. Oxidants that act as eliminating free radicals may inhibit the process of cancer inside the body. Honey’s antioxidant properties help prevent several acute and chronic body disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The anti -tumor properties of honey can be associated with its antioxidant activity.
The amount of honey intake to treat cancer
Properties of natural honey They appear when it can be used regularly and the amount required. Studies and studies have shown that daily consumption of 1.2 grams of honey per kilogram increases the activity and activity of antioxidant agents such as beta -carotene, vitamin C, glutathione reductase and uric acid. For example, if your weight is 50 kg, you can eat about 60 grams of honey a day to enjoy its various properties.
Natural honey and anti -jumping activity
Mutation is actually the ability to induce genetic mutation that is very close to cancer. Honey has a very strong anti -mutation properties and can protect DNA health. In today’s world where consumption of harmful and dangerous foods has increased genetic jumps, it can be with Buy organic honey And their daily consumption minimizes the effects of these harmful compounds.
Properties of natural honey to adjust estrogen
Estrogen is one of the most effective hormones in some cancers. Estrogen antagonistic honey can control the secretion and production of this hormone. Therefore, can be of Natural honey Used to treat estrogen -dependent cancers such as breast and endometrial cancers. Adjusting this hormone in the body, while minimizing tumor growth, can also reduce cell growth. This in the long run prevents estrogen -dependent cancer cells.
The role of natural honey in cancer chemotherapy
One Properties of natural honey In the treatment of cancer, the effect of chemotherapy drugs is increased. Honey strengthens the anti-tumor activity of chemotherapy drugs such as 5-Fluorvarasil and cyclofosphmide. Therefore, if used along with chemotherapy, natural honey can be seen the effectiveness of chemotherapy and improved symptoms of cancer.
Buy natural honey from the original home to treat cancer
A lot of evidence in the field Properties of natural honey There are cancer treatment that shows that honey can have anti -cancer properties through many mechanisms. Although the mechanism of influence Natural honey Not yet fully understood; But studies have greatly confirmed the effectiveness of natural and organic honey. You can visit the original home site to benefit from the properties of natural honey for cancer treatment. Buy honey Make the best quality organic. Original Home Online Store, the main reference Buy natural honey It is directly from the manufacturer and beekeeper and offers your products with a quality warranty.
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