20 Motivational Motivation of Elders about Maths (English

Text and motivational sentences of elders about mathematics

Excerpt from the most beautiful Motivational texts of elders about math We have presented that you can use Instagram for post, capacity and storytelling.


Math is the mother of science



Mathematics is scientific
That with the passage of time not only is not old
Rather, its importance and awe are more observed



The laws of nature are written in mathematical language



No knowledge can be known as real
Unless written in mathematics



You have to spend some energy and effort to see the beauty of math
You have to spend some energy and effort to see the beauty of mathematics

Maryam Mirzakhani


Not arguments
But the imagination



Math is a shoulder on the distressed nature of nature



I always enjoyed mathematics
This is the most accurate and brief way to express any idea


No branch of mathematics
That one day is not used in the real world

Nikolai Labachovsky


Life is a mathematical equation
To get more
You need to know how to turn negative points into positive


One of the Pleasures of Looking at the World Through MATHEMATICAL EYES
is that you can see a Ceract Patterns
that wool otherwise be hidden
One of the pleasures of looking at the world from the mathematical perspective is
That you can see specific patterns
That would otherwise hide

Steven Strogatz


The main purpose of all the research of the world
Must be the discovery of the logical order of the world
In which the Lord has left in
And it has revealed to us in the language of mathematics

Johannes Kepler


Math is the gate and the key of science

Rajar Bikin


A mathematical theory cannot be considered complete
Until you make it clear to the size
That you can make it for the first person
Explain that you are dealing with on the street



It looks like that
That mathematics of a new sense of sense other than ordinary feelings
Gives up on mathematicians

Lord Clavian


Mathematics of studying similarities in differences
And study of differences in the same

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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