Properties and disadvantages of cream for children + 22 essential tips before use!

Cream is one of the dairy products that has a special place in children’s nutrition due to its high nutritional value and pleasant taste. This food is rich in nutrients and can help the growth and health of children. In this article, we will examine the properties of cream for children so that you can include it in your child’s diet with full knowledge.

Properties of cream for children

Rich in calcium for bone growth

cream It is a rich source of calcium, which is essential for the growth of children’s bones. Growing children need a lot of calcium to strengthen their bones properly and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis in the future. A balanced consumption of cream along with other sources of calcium can help meet the daily needs of children.

Providing the necessary energy for daily activities

Cream contains a lot of calories that can give children enough energy to play and learn. Children need a rich source of energy due to their daily activities, and cream with high calories and easy digestion is a suitable option to provide this energy.

Rich source of vitamins

One of the properties of the cream for children is rich in fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and Vitamin D is Vitamin A plays an important role in strengthening vision, skin health and immune system function. Vitamin D is also necessary for better calcium absorption and healthy bone growth. These two vitamins are very important in the growth and strengthening of children’s bodies.

Improve brain function

Cream contains healthy fats that are very useful for children’s brain and nervous system. These fats help brain development and can help increase children’s concentration and learning. The balanced use of cream in the diet can play an effective role in improving children’s cognitive abilities.

Healthy weight gain

For children who are underweight, cream can be a useful option. Cream helps in healthy and gradual weight gain due to its high fat and calories. However, it is recommended to consume it together with other healthy foods to maintain a nutritional balance.

Boosting the immune system

Cream can help strengthen children’s immune system due to the presence of various vitamins and nutrients. This food can play a role in preventing various diseases and guarantee the overall health of children.

Easy to digest

Cream is easier to digest than some heavier foods. This feature is very useful for children, especially children with sensitive digestive systems. Cream can be used as a healthy and light snack in children’s diet.

improve appetite

Cream can increase children’s appetite due to its delicious taste and soft texture. Many children refuse to eat healthy foods due to anorexia; But adding cream to foods or desserts It can strengthen their desire to eat.

Suitable for strengthening skin and hair

Vitamins and fats in cream for health the skin And children’s hair is very useful. Using cream can help to soften the skin and strengthen the hair and prevent dryness or skin problems.

Important points in the use of cream for children

Although cream has many benefits, consuming too much of it can lead to weight gain or digestive problems. It is better to use cream together with various other foods so that the children’s diet remains balanced. Also, it is very important to choose quality cream without additives.

Harms of cream for children

Weight gain and obesity

Due to its high calorie and fat content, cream can lead to weight gain and obesity in children if it is consumed continuously and without observing moderation. This obesity, especially at a young age, increases risks such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease later in life. Children who are exposed to this problem usually face a decrease in physical activities and self-confidence, which also affects their mental health.

Increased blood cholesterol

Cream contains high amounts of saturated fat, which can increase the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. This issue, especially in children who have a high-fat diet, can cause the accumulation of plaque in the arteries and increase the risk of heart problems. Although the effects of this problem in children are not clearly seen in the short term, its long-term effects may appear in adulthood.

Digestive problems

For some children, especially those who are lactose intolerant or have digestive problems, cream can cause various discomforts such as bloating, heartache and diarrhea. Lactose intolerance in children is a common problem that makes it difficult for them to consume cream. Also, heavy creams may cause a feeling of early satiety and prevent the child from consuming other foods.

Decreased appetite for healthy foods

High consumption of cream and similar foods can reduce the child’s desire to eat healthier foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. In the long run, this issue can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for children’s growth. In addition, the reduction of food variety weakens the child’s immune system and makes him more vulnerable to diseases.

Risk of diabetes

Flavored creams that contain added sugar increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in children. This issue becomes more dangerous when the consumption of such foods is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to control the consumption of sugary substances with cream.

Negative effect on teeth

Flavored and sweet creams can cause tooth decay in children. The sugar in these products provides a suitable environment for the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which eventually leads to cavities and tooth decay. This problem is especially seen in children who are not used to brushing their teeth.

Increased blood pressure

Cream, due to its high saturated fat content, may lead to increased blood pressure in children if consumed continuously and excessively. Although this problem does not cause serious symptoms at a young age, it can lead to heart and kidney diseases over time.

Creating unhealthy eating habits

Children who get used to the constant consumption of cream, usually become more inclined to eat high-fat and low-value foods. This eating habit can cause children to turn to high-calorie and low-value foods instead of getting essential nutrients from healthy sources.

Negative impact on mental health

Studies have shown that high-fat diets can be associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety. Children are not exempted from this rule and continuous consumption of cream may have a negative effect on their mood and mental state.

Risk of allergies

Some children are allergic to the proteins in the cream, which can cause symptoms such as itching, hives, or breathing problems. In such cases, cream consumption should be done with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

Negative effect on the liver

Due to the high content of saturated fats, cream can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children. Over time, this problem disrupts the function of the liver and endangers the child’s health.

Decreased physical activity

Consuming high-fat foods such as cream can lead to a decrease in energy for physical activities. Children may show less desire to play or exercise due to the feeling of heaviness and decreased energy, which negatively affects their overall health.

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