Properties and harms of cocklebur plant for cough + 16 essential tips before consumption!

Calendula is one of the medicinal plants that has long been known in traditional medicine as an effective treatment for respiratory problems, including cough. This plant contains nutrients, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help improve dry and wet cough symptoms. The active ingredients in cocklebur reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract and soften the throat, thus relieving cough. In the following, we will examine the properties of the cocklebur plant for cough.

Properties of the cocklebur plant for cough

Rooster crown and its anti-inflammatory properties

One of the main reasons why cocklebur is effective in treating cough is its anti-inflammatory properties. The phenolic and antioxidant compounds found in this plant reduce inflammation caused by infection or environmental irritations in the throat and respiratory system. Consuming tea or extract of this plant can calm throat inflammation and speed up the healing process.

The role of antioxidants in cocklebur

Rooster crown is rich in strong antioxidants such as Vitamin C and flavonoids. These compounds help to strengthen the body’s immune system and can fight against viruses and bacteria that cause cough and a cold be effective Continuous consumption of this plant in the form of tea or brew makes the body more resistant to infections and reduces cough symptoms naturally.

The softening effect of cock’s crown on the throat

One of the prominent features of cocklebur is its emollient properties that help soothe the throat. In cases where the cough is caused by a dry throat or mechanical irritations, the consumption of cocklebur can help soothe the throat and reduce the irritations. Drinking cock’s crown tea with natural honey doubles the effect of this property and provides immediate relief.

Rooster crown and treatment

Coughs caused by allergies and seasonal allergies usually occur due to inflammatory and allergic irritations in the respiratory tract. The anti-allergic compounds in horsetail, such as quercetin, help reduce allergic reactions and can improve cough symptoms. It is recommended to use this plant in the seasons of allergy, especially spring and autumn.

How to use Rooster crown to treat cough

There are different ways to benefit from the properties of Rooster crown. One of the best ways is to make a decoction of this plant. For this purpose, it is enough to put a tablespoon of dried leaves or flowers of cocklebur in a cup of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. You can drink this drink 2 to 3 times a day. Also, adding honey to this brew can increase its effects.

The benefits of using a rooster crown

Chemical antitussives usually have side effects such as drowsiness or stomach irritation. In contrast, St. John’s wort is a natural and uncomplicated option that can effectively treat cough. In addition, this plant also helps to improve the overall health of the body due to its nutritious compounds.


Although there are many benefits of cocklebur, consuming too much of it may cause sensitivity or digestive discomfort in some people. For this reason, it is better to consult a doctor before starting to use this plant, especially during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Disadvantages of cocklebur plant for cough

The possibility of causing allergies in sensitive people

One of the possible harms of using the cocklebur plant is allergic reactions that may occur in some people. These reactions are mostly seen in people who are allergic to the plants of the Tajkhorusian family. Allergies can be accompanied by symptoms such as itching, redness of the skin, runny nose or even breathing problems. In severe cases, it may be necessary to see a doctor or take anti-allergy drugs. For this reason, it is recommended to check possible sensitivities before using this plant.

Absorption of calcium and iron

Rooster contains compounds called oxalate, which can interfere with the absorption of important minerals such as calcium and iron. Continuous and high consumption of this plant may increase the risk of reducing the level of these minerals in the body, especially in people who already have iron or calcium deficiency. This can lead to problems such as weak bones or anemia, especially if it is used unsupervised.

Digestive problems caused by excessive consumption

Consuming too much fenugreek may cause digestive problems. These problems include bloating, heartburn and sometimes diarrhea. These effects are usually due to the high fiber content in this plant, which irritates the digestive system in some people. In order to avoid these problems, it is better to consume marigold in moderation.

Possible interactions with certain medications

The use of cocklebur may interact with some medications. For example, people who take blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, or calcium supplements should be careful. The compounds in this plant can reduce the effect of these drugs or intensify their side effects. It is important to consult your doctor before taking turmeric, especially if you are taking medication.

Risk for kidney patients

The presence of oxalates in cocklebur can be dangerous for people with kidney problems. Oxalates can cause kidney stones to form or worsen existing stones. Therefore, kidney patients should avoid using this herb or consult their doctor. High consumption of this plant regardless of kidney condition may cause pain or serious damage to the kidneys.

Adverse effects

It should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some compounds in this plant may cause uterine irritation or hormonal changes that can increase the risk of miscarriage or problems with fetal development. Also, the effects of taking marigold on breast milk are not fully known and may be harmful to the baby.

Stimulation of the immune system

Rooster has compounds that can stimulate the body’s immune system. In autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, overstimulation of the immune system can exacerbate symptoms. People who suffer from these diseases should limit the consumption of this plant and consult a doctor if necessary.

Possible effects on the nervous system

Some compounds in cocklebur may have effects on the nervous system. In some cases, consuming too much of this plant can cause dizziness, headache or even nausea. These effects are usually seen in sensitive people or people who use large amounts of St. John’s wort. For this reason, the balanced consumption of this plant is very important.

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