The must and don’ts of jumping rope for slimming the stomach, sides and thighs

Jumping rope including sports movements and The easiest exercise to lose belly and sides It is recommended by trainers in various sports for the purpose of weight loss and fitness. This sport has principles that, following them, will lead to the desired results, and if you do not pay attention to these key points, you may face problems. In this section of the star dos and don’ts Skipping rope program for weight loss We have explained along with additional useful tips in this field, stay with us.

Must-have rope exercises

If you want to have effective exercises, you must follow some points. In the following, we have listed the dos and don’ts of jumping rope to lose belly, sides and thighs:

  • You must warm up before starting rope. The sudden start of rope exercises with a dry and unprepared body will cause damage to the muscles.
  • To increase the effect and The benefits of jumping rope for the bodyIt is necessary to be familiar with the correct form of the body while jumping rope and maintain it during the training.
  • Pay attention to your rope; The best rope for an effective and safe workout has a length that fits your height.
  • If you are a beginner in this sport, you should start your training with a low number of jump ropes.
  • If you feel pain in any part of your body, stop exercising and consult your trainer or specialist.
  • It is necessary to know that it is not enough to do rope exercise for fitness; By using a suitable diet and using complementary methods such as using The best herbal sweat that melts belly and side fatYou will reach your goal sooner.
  • After the jump rope exercise, cool down the body with static stretching exercises.
  • To prevent dehydration from your workouts, you should stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before and after your workout.
  • You should breathe through your nose while jumping rope.

Jumping rope

Don’ts of rope exercises

In this section, we have given you a list of things you should not do in the field of jumping rope with the aim of losing weight in certain areas of the body such as the abdomen and sides. Paying attention to these points will make you perform better:

  • If you have no experience in the field of this sport and you are just going to start your rope exercises to burn more calories, you should not pressure yourself; Starting this exercise suddenly and with a high number during the day will harm your health.
  • Do not rope on hard surfaces so that your joints are not damaged by the pressure.
  • You should not hunch while jumping rope, and as we mentioned before, you must maintain the correct body shape during these exercises and with The correct way to rope Be familiar. Failure to maintain the proper form of the body while jumping rope causes pressure on the neck, joints and muscles and endangers your health.
  • Do not use a rope that is too short. Roping with these types of ropes may lead to the rope getting caught in the leg and causing fall and injury.
  • Never rope immediately after a meal and on a full stomach.
  • Do not rope uniformly so that these exercises do not become repetitive and boring for you. You can use different forms of skipping like single leg skipping, crossed ropes, etc.
  • Do not breathe through your mouth while jumping rope.
  • Do not rope in the morning while fasting.

The number of times a week jump rope for weight loss

To get the best results from rope exercises, it is better to do this exercise 3 to 5 days a week, depending on the expert opinion of your trainer. It is a good idea to do rope exercises every other day, because in this case the leg muscles have a good chance to rest.

The duration of exercises aimed at local slimming

If you are a beginner and have just started your training, 5 to 10 minutes of jumping rope a day will be enough for you. If you progress more and your body adapts to this exercise, you can gradually increase the duration of your training by 2 minutes.

Rope for ropeRope for rope

If you are a level above beginner and have reached the intermediate level, you can devote twenty to thirty minutes of your time on training days to jumping rope. These twenty to thirty minutes can be continuous and you can walk and rest after ten minutes and then continue your training.

If you have reached an advanced level, you can rope for half an hour to forty-five minutes, and according to your strength and physical condition and the expert opinion of the trainers, you can rest every ten minutes or once a quarter between ropes.

Good to know: How many calories does jumping rope burn every hour?

The best time of day to jump rope for weight loss

The best time of the day to jump rope can be different depending on the physical condition of your body and your habits; But in general, jumping rope in the morning will increase your metabolism throughout the day and make you more energetic. But if for any reason you can’t do your exercises in the morning, jumping rope in the evening is also recommended due to the strong and proper functioning of the muscles. With these explanations, if your goal is to lose weight and burn more calories, jumping rope in the morning can be a better choice, and if you plan to increase your strength and physical endurance through jumping rope, jumping rope in the evening is more suitable for you.


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