Amir Fakhruddin Mahmoud bin Amir Yaminuddin Taghraei Faryoumdi He is a philosopher, poet and the greatest Iranian poet.
Below is an excerpt from The best poems of this Yamin that you can use for Instagram posts, captions, and stories.
Does anyone know what the honor of Azadgan is?
From the head of Leiman, it is shorthand
Whomever this world made his tongue
If it is male, then it means female
One should be satisfied about Koi
Half a loaf of bread is worth half a soul
From chewing for two things and that’s it
The wise man of the world full of technology
Or get up from it friend
or trample the enemy
And he who seeks and does not know
What is the purpose of looking for work?
It is arranged in cluster housing
let the wind thresh
What is his idea other than killing him?
The result of that knowledge is to die
Oh my friends, I may have chosen
I want to give them Aad
I will tell you the truth
He gave his, but enough for us
O heart of sorrow of the world, let this also pass
Whatever the world is, let this also pass
If your time is bad, be good
Let this be enough for this too
A foot attack that killed men
Let this be enough for this too
Ibn Yamin is afraid of the wave of events
Although there is, it will pass with the risk of this too
The one who knows and wants to know
reach the heights of happiness
The one who knows and knows to know
The horse of honor runs from the dome
The one who knows and does not know should know
With a jug of water, but stay thirsty
The one who does not know and knows that he does not know
Limping his vault to the destination
The one who does not know and wants to know
Free yourself from ignorance
Those who don’t know and don’t know don’t know
Remain in compound ignorance forever
He who does not know and does not want to know
It is a pity that such a beast is alive
O heart, if time makes you sad
Sit and wait, patience is his medicine
He fought with the age of Neshayd
And whoever did it, this is a good example for him
With the rags of the mosquito pelt, he turned around
If he blows away thunder, the truth is his punishment
A wise person does not follow the right path
Tell him that it is not his fault
Ignorance can reach positions and finances
Where wealth and position are from his honor, intellect and opinion
Because things cannot be done by effort
It is beautiful from the one whose wisdom is his guide
If he does not do good or bad, according to his will
He knows that everything is according to the decree of his God
You are fresher than the leaves of Seman on you
A hundred lovers are crazy about you
Your hair will come to the middle and it will be more on the side
Never let it get between the ends of your hair
O butler of Golrokh, bring that fire water
Absent Modar loses the Khosrow Cup
That Khosro Khosro is the sign of Tukal Qotlogh Kaz Falak
Nahid Behr Matrabi will come and tell me the name
The origin of the ideal is from the ashes of the height of the story
The soil element is nine miles towards the post
To buy is that he was aware of his situation
May you live as long as you are in Rabqa
Must have housing and sufficient amount of income
Zain Fazoon is your desire to be free worshiper
Let them measure the distance, O alert one
More desire to be drunk
Hear a word from Ibn Yamin, dear Ijan
May your belief be right
Perhaps the demander is more than the sufficient amount
Your hard work is extremely weak
One day I took it from the experience of the mirror
I saw a sign of death there in the examination
Let me cry from death
I fell on the ground because of the pain in the mirror
He said, what kind of woman is staring at the ground in my mirror
Whoever is born also dies
I love and adore Rand
The drunken head of Sabohi Al-Stam
Oh mountain of your awareness
Let my advice be drunk
I returned from the prison of the world free
I got rid of this and that
The heart rose from the name and shame
I sat down to my heart’s content
Enough tricks and excuses
I repented from shame
Because Ibn Yamin, I can say
As I worship
I passed out from drunkenness
O friend, come and take my hand
Dear lovers, I have had enough of that unkindness
Verche’s connection with John is enough for me
Arad like Jasmine and Tare like Hyacinth
I’ve had enough of the oval and snake grid
If Bilal Darfshan makes medicine for heartache
Leaving my heart is enough for me
It was a loss to criticize my life on the market of love
I want to make a profit because I have had enough of such and such a profit
Do not let sadness burn my soul
The shade of the smooth cedar is enough for me
I was eloquent in Golestan
I’ve had enough of Golestan
Jana, I felt like Sir Zalfat
It fell at your feet instead of Zalfat’s head
Refresh life like the breath of Jesus
It was windy, the coat of arms of Sai Zalfat
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