Beautiful sentences about suffering and hardship (text about suffering!)

Beautiful sentences about suffering and hardship

A collection of the purest Text and beautiful sentences about suffering and hardship For Instagram captions, profiles and stories


All this suffering that the world inflicts on us,
Anyone other than us will leave the world
I said many times that I will leave the world tomorrow.
Because I remember God, I do it today and tomorrow


If you are still suffering, know that you have not reached where you should be!
The tree blossoms and is happy;
The only egg is in suffering and hardship;
Become a tree and celebrate…


Short text about suffering and hardship

Life is hard.
Life is not too short, life is not too long.
But you have to learn how to live.
You should always have a sense of humor in your life.


In the battle between hard days and hard people,
It is hard people who stay, not hard times


Text about suffering

Suffering is a wake up call
This is the truth of suffering.


The personality of people can be of the type
Knowing the suffering they are involved in…


I was not afraid of the difficulty of life
Every day we look at you
Now that my heart is broken, it is rotten
I understood the cure for all grief


My sufferings go away, wait, be awake and aware,
Because after suffering and after dark night, the sun rises.
Do not worry in moments of darkness and suffering.
Don’t fight it, don’t rush it
Let it go. Don’t force it to go, just let it happen.
It’s hard but be patient
Life is a flow
Nothing stays the same, nothing
There is no mistake in your life
Everything happens for your good
It gives even if it looks bitter


I suffer from seeing it every day
It adds to my father’s age
it hurts me
Because I love…


Difficulties in life are also good for testing you.
A challenging life may be the best healer for your pain.


Sentences about suffering and hardship

When I lost, I found the way
On the highway of life, you are always on your way
It will not be easy
Every hole teaches you a solution
Think again, opportunities don’t come twice
So remember
To avoid going back, you have to go


The hard days of life never last
But tough people last


Until you endure suffering, you will not see treasure
The morning will not appear until the night has passed


In the battle between hard days and hard people,
It is hard people who stay, not hard days


You understand people then
To see how far they will stay with you in the hardships of your life


When you take life seriously,
Everything becomes more difficult


Life’s challenges are not going to paralyze you
They are going to help you figure out who you are


Sometimes, hard times remind us that life is not always sweet and easy
In these difficult days, sometimes even breathing becomes heavy;
Every step is a step in an unknown path and every moment is a long second full of thoughts

Hafez Koka's fortune teller

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