A selection of the most beautiful Persian proverbs and their English equivalents that you can use for Instagram posts, captions, and stories.
Pot after pot says black root
the pot calling the kettle black
When the cook is divided, the food is either salty or unsalted
Two captains sink the ship
The moon does not stay behind the clouds
Truth will come out
Good water does not go down his throat
He leads a dog’s life
You will not be disgraced
Be the same color as the congregation
when you are in Rome
do as the Romans do
of any kind
You stop right away
What goes around
comes around
Auz Dahl is pleasant to hear from far away
Nor heard the rumble of a distant drum
The victim of Ranj Ganj
It is not possible
no pains
no gains
From this pillar to that pillar is the vagina
Between pillar and post there maybe rescue
move from you
God bless
Begin your web
and god will send you the thread
Spring does not die, spring comes
Kambze comes with cucumber
While the grass grows
the cow starves
One hand has no sound
Union is strength
Killing two birds with one stone
He kills two birds with one stone
Did you see a camel?
did not see
You see nothing
You hear nothing
Noke came to the market
It got old and hurt
Out with the old
in with the new
Repentance is the wolf of death
You may end him, but you may not mend him
Whoever is afraid dies
Whoever is not afraid will win
Nothing ventured
nothing have
Versatile and useless
Jack of all trades and master of none
A coward dies a thousand times
Cowards die many times before their death
From the first war to the last peace
A word before is worth two after
No one has my back
Except my fingernails
you want a thing done
do it yourself
An account is an account, brother
Short accounts make long friends
The gate can be closed
People’s mouths cannot be closed
A jar’s mouth may be stopped
a man cannot
They don’t spread halwa in a fight
One can’t make war with rose water
Water in the jar and we are thirsty for lips
we seek water in the sea
Don’t see how small the pepper is, break it and see how sharp it is
Still waters run deep
The higher the roof
more snow
Many coins
much care
Doing good is filling
Practice makes perfect
A year that was not spent can be seen from its spring
Coming events cast their shadows before
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