🍉 Horoscope of Hafez on Yalda night 1403

How is Hafiz’s Yalda night horoscope?

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Hafez’s horoscope

What does Hafez’s horoscope symbolize on Yalda night?

Yalda night is the longest night of the year that gathers all family members together with elders and has special customs. One of the rituals of Iranians on this night is to read the love poems of Hafez and Tafal Bar Diwan of Lasan al-Ghaib.

The ancient traditions of Iranians are always pleasant and interesting and full of special philosophy and wisdom. The fact that on the longest night of the year in the warm gathering of families, Tafali people use the tongue of Al-Gheeb is something to think about. In this part of Namnak, we provide explanations about the philosophy of reading Hafez on Yalda night.

The philosophy of taking Hafez’s horoscope on Yalda night

On Yalda night, which is the first night of winter and is about a minute longer than other nights of the year, all family members and relatives gather together to have a happy and memorable night.

One of the long-standing traditions of this night is Hafez reading and Shahnameh reading, which has been customary among Iranian families since ancient times. In such a way that it is big for other people Yalda Night Horoscope He takes and reads Hafez’s love poems.

Therefore, on the night of Yalda, only spending the night and eating all kinds of food and fruits does not make this night enjoyable and very memorable, but having a smile and purity of heart and offering prayers to Hazrat Eshgh, Hafiz, who is the protector of the cold moments of winter, Gives warmth.

Some people consider Hafez reading only for families familiar with poetry and literature, but some researchers do not consider the Hafez reading ceremony on Yalda night to belong to a special class and people of letters because there is a Hafez book in almost every house and people read Hafez. Hafiz reading and fortune-telling have a very strong belief.

Tafal to Hafez is also customary on occasions such as Wednesdays, 13 in the afternoon, etc. But reciting Hafez on Yalda night is more popular and has a different atmosphere. You should know that reading Hafez is common in most cities of Iran. On this night, we open Hafez’s book with the intention of happiness and victory and ask him for our heart’s desires.

Why do they take Hafiz’s horoscope?

Have you ever wondered why on Yalda night, the poems of other poets are not read and people are interested in reading Hafez’s poems on this night? It is better to read the opinion of Professor Bahauddin Khorramshahi to get the answer to this question:

The teacher says: Hafez has an opinion and God has an opinion on Hafez because he has an opinion on the people of Iran and the people have an opinion on him. The secret of Hafez’s horoscope and the fact that his poems are very relevant to the subject is his opinion. Hafez’s poems have various themes and meanings in such a way that the theme is related to the world of poetry and the meaning is related to real life. Hafez has dealt with meaning more than any other poet.

Belief in the afterlife, belief in the resurrection and humor are among the discourses of Shaarhafez. Other important topics in Hafez Bade’s poetry are praise, love, mysticism, morals and ethics, advisability and unadvisability, rejection, determinism and submission to pleasure, distrust of the world, trust and honesty.

How to get a fortune teller?

Hafez’s book is available in most homes, to pray to Hafez, ask someone who reads the poem well and can interpret it for you. For fortune telling:

First, read a Fatiha and then kiss Hafez’s book, express your wishes and intention in your heart, and randomly open a page of Hafez’s book and start reading aloud.

Hafez Koka's fortune teller

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