Dreams that become reality

Dreams that become reality are associated with great ambiguity and charm. Some attribute them to the mind’s ability to predict the future, and others relate it to the coincidence and synchronicity of events, but regardless of any scientific or philosophical explanation, the fact that sometimes our dreams manifest in a strange way in real life They do, it cannot be denied. If you are among the people who see different dreams and want to know their interpretation, you can Online dream interpretation Interpret your dream.

real sleep

Dreams that come true: reality or illusion?

Have you ever had a real dream that was repeated in exact detail after waking up? This amazing and mysterious phenomenon has occupied the human mind for a long time. From mythological stories to historical narratives, we have always seen examples of dreams that have surprisingly come true. But are these events mere coincidences or a sign of the mind’s ability to predict the future?

There are different interpretations about this, which we will discuss further.

Pure accident

Some believe that these events are mere coincidences and there is no logical reason for their occurrence. According to them, a large number of dreams are seen during the life of each person and it is natural that some of them coincide with real events, and for example, they raise the question of whether every dream always has a determined meaning and if, for example, we cry in our sleep. Will we be sad in waking up? And to what extent can these interpretations be cited? However, it is possible Dream interpretation of crying and shedding tears It can point to some psychological roots of people and it is not a pleasure to read it.

Unconscious prediction

A group of analytical psychologists, especially Jungian psychoanalysts, believe that the human mind has the ability to predict the future and these predictions appear in the form of dreams. They believe that our unconscious mind has access to information that our conscious mind is unaware of.

Also, read: Who should we ask for the interpretation of our dreams? Should the dream be explained to others?

The influence of beliefs and expectations

Some psychologists, especially cognitive psychologists, believe that our beliefs and expectations influence our dreams. For example, if a person is very worried about a certain event, the brain maps the mind in such a way that the probability of seeing a dream about that event increases.

Synchronicity of events

Some other theories emphasize the simultaneity of events. This theory was also one of the inventions or discoveries of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, who says that sometimes we see events in dreams that seem real due to the coincidence with external events and there is no explanation for them. In these cases, we should refrain from quick interpretation of dreams and focus more on the inner psychological events of the person, which is possible only with the help of psychotherapists trained in the field of dream and dream interpretation.

What does science say?

Cognitive science and psychology have tried to provide a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. Some scientific theories are:

Information processing in sleep

Some studies show that the brain also processes information during sleep, and this processing can lead to the creation of dreams that are related to our everyday experiences.

Brain activity in sleep

Brain imaging studies have shown that during sleep, areas of the brain involved in learning, memory and emotion processing are active.

Consolidation of memories

Sleep helps consolidate memories, and dreams may also be part of this process.

real dreamsreal dreams

Historical and contemporary examples of dreams that come true

Throughout history, there have been many stories of people whose dreams have come true. Among these people, we can mention the people who dreamed of natural disasters, the assassination of important figures, or even the discovery of treasures. There are examples of these dreams in the Qur’an, and some examples of them are mentioned below. In the contemporary world, some people claim to have had dreams that predicted important events in their lives.

Also, read: Amazing facts about sleep and dreams

Religious beliefs about sleep

In the religious interpretations of the title honest dreams It is given for dreams that become reality, and examples such as the dream of the contemporary king Yusuf (pbuh) about fat and thin cows and the prediction of impending famine by him are among these. Also, some Quranic verses talk about the phenomenon of sleep and even in verse 27 of Surah “Fath” it is mentioned that some of the dreams of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) are true.

Hazrat Khatami Marbat (PBUH) says in this context:

“Dreams and dreams are of three types: sometimes they are good news from God, sometimes they are a means of sadness from the devil, and sometimes they are issues that a person raises in his mind and sees in a dream.”

With this interpretation, dreams cannot be simply interpreted or interpreted, and to interpret them, we need presuppositions that are in the expertise of dream interpretation or interpretation experts in order to correctly distinguish these three areas from each other.

Also, read: 7 true dreams and dreams mentioned in the Qur’an + interpretation

Finally, the phenomenon of dreams that become reality still remains a mystery, but still, the study of this phenomenon can help us better understand the functioning of the mind and the processes of dreaming.

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