The cause of falling asleep
In general, falling asleep or paraesthesia can occur in most parts and organs of the body, especially the hands and feet, and put the muscles and nerves of those areas under pressure and conflict. This phenomenon can appear in the body of any person for various reasons and in some cases it can be considered as a warning of serious illness or possible dangers in the body and in other cases without any risk or complication. Something happens in your body suddenly without any signs.
Today, we in Alameda have a more detailed examination of this issue under the title The cause of left and right hand falling asleep in sleep what is it We pay and we hope that Iam Netaleb was useful and beneficial for you.
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What is the sign of hand falling asleep at night?
Falling asleep or a phenomenon similar to the feeling of tingling in the body parts is a complication that, as mentioned earlier, can be felt in your body parts, especially hands and feet, for various reasons. If you do not have an underlying disease or if you are not pregnant, you may feel this phenomenon in different parts of your hands after waking up at night. In a static and inappropriate position, as well as due to long-term pressure on different parts of the hand, it is known that it leads to disturbance in the nervous system and blood circulation of the person, and this also causes such a feeling in the person’s body.
The cause of the right hand falling asleep in sleep
In some cases, it is possible that you put your right hand under your head or even under your stomach or other sensitive organs during sleep, and then you feel tingling after waking up. You feel intense or a lot of tingling in your right hand. In this case, due to the pressure exerted by other parts of your body for a longer period of time during your sleep, it causes your blood circulation to decrease. He has a disorder in this hand and that’s why You are experiencing such feelings in this hand.
The cause of the left hand falling asleep in sleep
In some cases, it is possible that a person involuntarily puts his left hand in a hanging or inappropriate position while sleeping, and it is even possible that he puts his left hand in a position under pressure from other organs while sleeping. Note that in this case, after waking up, due to continuous pressure from other organs on his left hand, or due to his hand being in an inappropriate position for a long time, The reason for blood circulation disorder and pressure on the nerves of the hand On his left, this person feels a state similar to numbness or a so-called state called falling asleep or tingling in his left hand.
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Is falling asleep dangerous?
In order to know whether this condition is dangerous for you or not, you must first search for its reason and then find out whether this condition was dangerous for you or not.
For this reason, if you experience this condition only sometimes after waking up due to putting pressure on your hand or due to being in an inappropriate position for a long time, this condition is not dangerous for you and it is caused suddenly. and over time, it disappears by itself after a short period of time, usually a few minutes.
But if you feel such a state continuously and for no reason during the day, this state can be a warning of serious and dangerous diseases such as stroke, having diabetes, or diseases related to nerves and spinal cord such as MS. Let them know that in such a case, the sick person should immediately go to the relevant doctor and start the treatment for the disease after the examination and conducting the relevant tests.
Lack of what causes the hand to fall asleep?
Note that the lack of some vitamins can also be one of the main factors that cause such a condition in you, and among these vitamins, we can mention the group of B vitamins such as B2, B6, B12, which these vitamins It helps the health of neurons as well as the production of blood cells, and due to their deficiency, a person feels tingling and sleepy in his body.
What pill should we take to fall asleep?
To take useful pills to treat tingling and numbness of your hands, it is better to see a doctor first so that the doctor can diagnose the cause and then take the necessary pills to treat it according to the doctor’s prescription and treat it.
But in general, taking vitamin tablets such as vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 tablets, vitamin C tablets, taking calcium tablets and also vitamin D tablets can be useful and effective for your body in treating these conditions.
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