The sayings of the elders about unhappiness (English

Elders’ words and sentences about sadness

A selection of the most beautiful words and The sayings of elders about unhappiness that you can use for Instagram posts, captions, and stories.


It is not a big inconvenience that requires patience
Rather, these minor discomforts
And leaving the piercing liver behind with a smile
It really needs spirit

Jane Webster


Laugh a little at life
And instead of sadness, look for happiness
Laughter always gets you out of uncomfortable situations


In the long run, our comfort zone
It becomes our discomfort zone

Charles Glassman


Discomfort, anxiety, tension, stress and worry
All forms of fear stem from being too far into the future
And not being in the present enough
Guilt, regret, dissatisfaction, sadness and bitterness
All forms of intolerance
Caused by excessive presence in the past
And not being in the present enough

Eckhart Tully


Think of the things that make you happy
Not the things that make you sad
Think about things that make you happy
Not the things that make you sad


The main cause of failures and inconveniences
This is what you want most
You give in exchange for what you want right now


What is sad in most people’s lives
It is that they know more
What do they want in their lives?
But they don’t really know who they want to be

Anthony Robbins


I look at discomfort (even toothache) as an interesting experience
And I am happy that I have not been unaware of a new experience
May the sky above my head be any color
I am ready for any fate

Jane Webster


No one really cares if you’re upset
So what better to be happy


The people who are happy for your happiness
and sad for your sadness
keep them around
People who rejoice in your happiness
And upset by your sadness
Keep in your life


Women think knowing the cause of discomfort
They can destroy it


Throughout your life, people will hurt you
They disrespect you and treat you badly
Leave people’s behavior to God
Because the presence of hatred in your heart causes you to lose yourself

Will Smith


With every minute of discomfort
You lose sixty seconds of happiness


The truth is that our best moments happen sometime
that we deeply feel uncomfortable, unhappy or incomplete
Because it is only in such moments that because of our discomfort
It is possible to get out of the mud in which we are stuck
And start looking for different ways or more real answers


Two steps should be taken to relieve nervous tension
The first step is not to worry about minor issues
The second step is to know that all issues are minor

Anthony Robbins

Hafez Koka's fortune teller

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