How to use Laxigel syrup for constipation and weight loss; before meal or after meal?

How to use Laxygel syrup for constipation and weight loss

What is Laxi gel syrup?

Laxi gel syrup is one of the types of antacid and laxative drugs that are most commonly used to treat constipation. It should be noted that this drug is also used to treat diseases caused by heartburn or stomach upset (reflux). stomach) is also used. In this article we want to How to use Laxigel syrup for constipation and provide slimming for you.

One of the primary and main ingredients of Laxy Gel syrup is polyethylene glycol, which helps in better absorption of water in the intestines, and hence causes better movement of the intestines and, as a result, facilitates the elimination process in your body.

It is better to consume this syrup with a lot of water to prevent dehydration in your body.

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How to use Laxigel syrup for constipation

If you use Laxigel syrup to treat constipation, it is better to take it under the supervision of a doctor and avoid stopping it without consulting a doctor because the dosage of this medicine is different for each person’s body.

But normally, many doctors prescribe Laxygel syrup on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast because consuming this syrup first thing in the morning on an empty stomach makes it better absorbed and effective.

Laxi gel syrup for slimming Laxi gel syrup for slimming

Laxi gel syrup for slimming

As mentioned above, this syrup belongs to the category of laxative drugs, which helps to improve the body’s metabolism and lose weight. Therefore, some people use Laxygel syrup to facilitate the act of defecation for slimming and weight loss. they use

Laxi gel syrup before or after meals

According to the advice of most doctors, the best time to take Laxygel syrup is before eating or in the morning on an empty stomach, but if using this syrup on an empty stomach causes pain or discomfort to your stomach, you can Take it after eating.

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Laxi gel syrup before or after mealsLaxi gel syrup before or after meals

After how many hours does Laxi gel syrup work?

The time of effect of this drug in the body of each person is different, so that from the time you drink this syrup, it may be after 30 minutes to 6 hours, or after half a day (12 hours) or Even after a full day (24 hours) has passed, its effect can be seen in your body, so the effect time of this drug varies between half an hour and 24 hours in the body of each person.

How to use Loxygel syrup during pregnancy

Even though Laxygel syrup is classified as a safe drug, it is better for the health of the mother or the fetus during pregnancy to consume or drink it under the supervision of your gynecologist to avoid any possible risks. have prevented Normally, due to the hormonal changes of women during pregnancy, it is possible for the doctor to prescribe Laxigel syrup as one of the safe drugs for the mother to treat constipation caused by pregnancy. prevent to a large extent.

The dosage of this drug during pregnancy is very important and should not be used more than the dose prescribed by the doctor for the mother. In case of any unusual symptoms, immediately consult your specialist doctor.

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How to use Loxygel syrup during pregnancyHow to use Loxygel syrup during pregnancy

The difference between lactulose syrup and laxi gel

Both syrups, i.e. lactulose syrup and Laxigel syrup, are classified in the category of safe and laxative drugs, and their difference is in the effectiveness mechanism and their characteristics.

For example, the main composition of Laxi gel syrup is magnesium hydroxide, and the main composition of lactulose syrup is lactulose, as the name suggests.

As we said above, both syrups are considered as laxative syrups that facilitate the elimination process, but their mechanisms are different from each other. After it reaches the large intestine, it is fermented by the bacteria of the large intestine, and this fermentation process increases the amount of water in the stool, and as a result, it facilitates the elimination process.

But regarding the mechanism of Laxigel syrup, it should be said that the magnesium hydroxide present in it increases the absorption of water in the veins and therefore softens the stool to a great extent and facilitates the elimination process.

It is necessary to know that in addition to the treatment of constipation, Laxigel syrup is also used to treat heartburn, and lactulose syrup is also used to treat hepatic encephalopathy in addition to the treatment of constipation.

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1. It is better to drink both syrups with sufficient amount of water to increase the laxative effect of both of them and prevent your body from becoming dehydrated to a large extent.

2. It is better to take both of them with the advice and instructions of your doctor and avoid excessive use or stopping the medicine arbitrarily to a large extent.

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