4 important differences between dental composite and laminate! Which is better for you?

Dental laminate and dental composite are two widely used dental methods in the field of teeth beauty. However, laminate and composite have differences, which we will discuss below.

Dental composite

Dental composite is a process that is applied to eliminate dental defects, change the shape and change the color of the teeth caused by various reasons. Composite is usually done in 1 session. Composite bonding is done with resin-based materials. Straightening crooked or slightly irregular teeth, equalizing the difference in tooth size, and eliminating gaps between teeth are some of the things that the dentist can do with composite.

Dental laminate

Laminate veneers are a thinner version of dental veneers that are used for front row teeth and are attached to the surface of the front teeth to correct cosmetic defects. Laminate veneers are made of porcelain or similar materials and are widely used for beauty and changing the color and appearance of teeth.

In the following, we discuss some of the differences between laminate and dental composite.

1- Difference in terms of structural materials

Dental veneers are usually made of high-quality porcelain or ceramic. Composites are made using composite resin.

It is said that composites are less durable than laminate coatings.

2- The difference in terms of durability

Laminates can last 10 to 15 years or more. Composites usually have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years.

The thing that you should pay attention to is that these numbers are not exact and various factors are involved in the lifetime and durability of laminate and composites. For example, what brand and quality is used is effective in the durability of laminate and composites.

3- Difference in terms of costs

Laminates are more expensive, because in this method the quality of the materials and the application process are more complicated. You can from the page The price of dental laminate See the latest tariffs related to dental laminates. Dental laminate is usually a more expensive treatment than dental composite.

Composites are less expensive than laminate and are considered a more affordable alternative, cheaper materials and a faster application process (treatment in fewer sessions) are effective in determining the price. from page Dental composite price You can also see the latest tariffs related to dental composite in one of the dentists in Tehran.

4- Difference in care

With regular maintenance and professional cleaning, laminates can be protected and used for a long time, but when damaged, laminates often require replacement rather than repair.

But composites can be easily repaired and restored if damaged.

Which is better?

Both treatments are useful for different conditions. It is important to determine your dental problem first and what do you expect from dental laminate or composite? Consult your dentist to determine which method is best for you. Of course, in the following, we will discuss the differences between these two dental services so that you can get to know them more and make a more suitable choice.

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