Cause of headaches during Ramadan + Treatment of Fasting Headache Treatment in Ramadan

Cause of headaches during Ramadan

Cause of headaches during Ramadan and its treatment methods

One of the common problems that many people may face during the holy month of Ramadan and during their fasting time is the headaches that may some extent disturb the person and disrupt their personal life to some extent, in which case one is always looking for ways to treat the complication and relieve it.

That is the same as today in Alamato for you an article on this subject under the heading Cause of headaches during Ramadan And we have dedicated the treatment of fasting headaches in Ramadan and we hope that the contents of this article will be helpful to you.

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Cause of headaches during Ramadan

As mentioned above, the incidence of a complication, such as headaches during fasting, is one of the most common problems for fasting, and different causes can cause such pain or such a complication in fasting people. Keep in mind that some of these pains appear only in a person’s head, and in some cases the person may feel these pains in all parts of his head and make him or her very harassment, which we will point out some of the most prominent reasons here:

1. The body’s water short is one of the most important and most prominent causes of headaches in fasting, which is the main cause of histamine in their body, which is the histamine to protect the body from the fasted brain due to dehydration or dehydration, which also causes herist in the body or pain in the body.

2. In the case of habit or addiction to consuming caffeine in drinks such as coffee or tea, one may feel headaches in an area of ​​their head if they are fasting due to a lack of this caffeine.

3. Blood sugar or hypoglycemia is another cause of cold pain in fasting.

4. People who are more likely to develop such pains in the cold of Ramadan than other people in other times of the year than other people are more likely to develop such pains in their cold.

5. Blood blood in women is also one of the causes of headaches when fasting at this time.

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Cause of headaches during RamadanCause of headaches during Ramadan

Treatment of fasting headache during Ramadan

To find the best way to treat principled or to calm such headaches that are due to fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, one must first consider the reason for such pain and then act on such pain.

1. For example, if a fasting person suffers from such pains due to dehydration, he or she can significantly compensate for this lack of water in his body by consuming juicy fruits or fiber vegetables, as well as drinking sufficient water in his or her dawn and Iftar meals.

Dear fasting, be careful that if your body’s water scarcity is not yet tamin and still suffered from headaches during these days, be sure to see a doctor if your doctor still does not prohibit fasting may be given to you a pill called Naproxen.

2. If dear fasting headaches are due to blood sugar or hypoglycemia, to treat such headaches, a fasted person can significantly prevent such headaches by eating less sugar meals in their dawn.

Keep in mind that eating high -sugar foods or eating high -carbohydrate foods can also rapidly raise your blood sugar and, as it raises blood sugar, it can cause a rapid and severe drop in blood sugar, which can cause headaches during your fast.

3. If you have headaches in your body due to caffeine addiction during these days, you can significantly reduce and reduce caffeine intake in your body several days before the onset of Ramadan, preventing headaches in your body during fasting.

4. Having enough sleep and having enough time to rest during this day is an important thing for fasting and it is best to have enough time to rest and sleep throughout the day to prevent such headaches from fasting.

5. Failure to consume fried and fried foods in dawn and Iftar meals can also prevent headaches at this time due to the dehydration of these foods in the fasters’ body as well as thirst for them at this time.

6. Lastly, if you do not treat such headaches, a fasting person should see a physician to examine the doctor first, and if your doctor still recommends fasting, he or she can treat the physician with auxiliary and therapeutic procedures.

Also Read: The pain under the abdomen is left.

Treatment of fasting headache during RamadanTreatment of fasting headache during Ramadan

The last word

Thanks to all those who have prepared for you today in Alamato as the cause of headaches during Ramadan and the treatment of fasting headaches during Ramadan, and we hope that they have attracted it.

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