۱ The benefit of talking to yourself

Most of us realize from childhood that one of the people I enjoy talking to is ourselves! But this behavior is not encouraged most of the time, and the one who talks to himself is alone. That’s why we think we’ve done a bad job. But the benefit of talking to yourself is more than we think.

But during college, I realized that other people were doing it. Later, when I became a master of psychology, I paid more attention to this behavior and realized that this was more common than I thought and had many benefits.

Talking to yourself loudly helps people guide complex events and learn difficult things.

Dr. Robert N. Craft, a retired professor of cognitive psychology at Other University, says:

Inner conversations form a large part of our awakening life, and we accept our inner voice as the main form of thinking. What may seem provocative is bringing this inner voice and turning it into speech.

1. Tips when doing sophisticated tasks

Talking to yourself while performing multi -stage tasks, such as asking a device or sewing a button, increases the focus. For example, when sewing the button you may say, “Reject the needle through the hole, take care of your finger, now pass the yarn elsewhere.” This will help us do the steps in the order and prevent the mistake.

2. Analyzing and attending unpleasant or new events

When we face a strange, unexpected or uncomfortable event, talking to us helps us to understand and manage it better.

For example, people who travel alone or fall into new environments like the mountain often talk to themselves to get to know the environment better, encourage themselves and feel more comfortable.

1. Learning new content

Thinking loudly while studying enhances understanding and enjoyment of learning. Research has shown that students have a deeper understanding of the subjects such as medicine who talk to themselves while studying. They also enjoy the learning process more.

1. Improve performance in different activities

Talking to itself improves our performance in the upcoming activities. For example, basketball players do loud, faster and better after reviewing their movements. In general, talking to yourself increases the motivation. It doesn’t matter if you are an athlete or musician, the benefit of talking to you is more than you think.

1. Analysis of past events

After experiencing unpleasant situations, such as an unsuccessful conversation or a difficult test, talking to us helps us reduce the feeling of regret and blame ourselves. In fact, our inner voice acts as an online therapist and makes us better manage the bitter events.

1. Monitoring your inner internal dialogue

Negative internal dialogue can have a devastating effect. But if we express these negative thoughts loudly, we will be more easily aware of them and can correct them. As such, we increase positive self -expression and prevent the negative effects of destructive self -expression.

1. Create a distance from self to better managing emotions

Talking to yourself and using the “you” or even better, using our own name, increases our gap. This task will make our ability in Emotional management And regulating thoughts and behaviors improves. When we use “you” or our name, we can better observe the self we are talking about and act on these observations.

For example, if you are examining an emotional reaction, you can say, “Why do I feel like that?” Or if your name is Ali, say, “Why do you feel that Ali?” The second method, which involves using your own name, creates a distance from yourself and better understand emotions.

If we use “I” when we talk to ourselves, we combine the speaker and listener within ourselves and are less likely to create the necessary distance to guide. What seems to be a delicate change in practice has a great impact on self -speech.

In a study by Cross and his colleagues It was done, the participants who used their names or the pronoun to speak to them did better in public speech than those who used the “I” pronoun. Also, those who used their names or “you” were less self -sufficient after speech and spent less time Rumination They were about the shortcomings of their speech.

Talking to itself is effective when it is positive and reinforces the distance from itself.

Conclusion: Two of them within us
When we talk to ourselves, one part of us (the speaker) is talking to the other part (the listener). This is also seen in terms such as self -control, self -sufficiency, and self -esteem.

So talking to yourself loudly can be a useful tool for guiding complex activities, managing emotions, learning better, enhancing motivation and improving performance. If you’ve never used this method, maybe it’s time to try it!

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