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Ghazal No. 350 Divan Hafez: I told you to repent of magic
I told the dawn of repentance.
Spring Repentances What A Right
Say the right word I can’t see
Who eat the opponents and I watch
Cho bud with a smiling lip to remember the Shah’s parliament
I take a cup and tear out of the enthusiasm
Cure me around the tulip
If I can be off the middle of my head.
I fell on my friend like flower morad
Enemia’s head to rock to rock
To be cute on the carousel and the verdict on the star
Not me
Why do I blame the wine
To the flower bed of Betty Cho Soltani
Swallow and Semnan
The hidden eating of the hidden. Hafez
To make the secrets of the bastard
Hafiz’s sonnet number 350 in your horoscope:
Do not waste your life with the unattainable and unattainable wishes, and think wisely and decide. Never be out of the balance line and avoid extremism.
Although life’s disadvantages put a lot of pressure on you, keep your courage and do not bend against the hardships to reach your heart.

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