۱۵ sign that no one wants to be your friend

Having friends and intimate friends is a blessing. Of course Finding close friends in adulthood Becomes harder; People interact with us for different reasons, some approach us for their interests, and others just want to fill their loneliness with us. In this article, we are talking about the signs of people who are not really your friend.

1. You will always be a pioneer

Today’s life is full of crowds and noise, however if you are always for Communication With the opposite side you go the fore, that is, a job. For example, if there were 2 out of every 2 calls, he may not consider you a friend.

2. When communicating with you is not so hot

When you call her:

  • Isn’t his behavior and speech warm and intimate?
  • Give your questions one word answers?
  • It has a cold tone and doesn’t want to talk to you?

This behavior is meaningful along with the previous point, that is, when you are constantly telling him and he doesn’t give you much.

Keep in mind, of course, that your friend is not going to jump when you hear your voices and show severe emotional reactions to prove his interest. However, if his speech is always cold, it means that he is reluctant to be friendly with you.

1. It always gives you an official and polite

Another sign of a person’s friendship with you is the type of answers. He always tries to be polite and give formal answers, while usually talking to unofficial and joking friends with jokes and jokes.

1. Is willing to meet or to interfere with the appointments

One of the uncomfortable symptoms is that one does not want to see you. Whether someone can see you rarely or respond negatively to your requests every time, he does not want to be your friend. Worse, it is with you, but to disrupt your arrangement.

1. You are much more trying to maintain a relationship

You only do you to rust, send, send gifts, and other affectionate behaviors. If the person you call him is not willing to do any of these or what he does is insignificant compared to your efforts, that is, he does not want to be friendly with you.

1. Does not interact with you in cyberspace

Coldness of the individual in cyberspace and Social Networks It is certainly not a sign of your lack of friendship with you, but along with other factors it can be a sign of this.

If you do not like your content in cyberspace, your comments will not deliver the following content and respond to your messages too late, all of which are a sign of his friendship with you.

It is necessary to emphasize that the cold behavior of a person in cyberspace is not necessarily a sign of your cold. Some people do not work much in cyberspace. Some are in principle that they are reluctant to shout their friendships in cyberspace. So this sign should be seen along with other factors.

1. Just talks about his own interests and interests

Sometimes the person you consider to be a friend has a clever approach to you. He responds to your messages, calls you, warm up with you, but every time you interact with him, he simply talks about himself. For example, what it did and what it did during the week.

This sign means that he considers you a hearing phone, not a friend! Because A true friend He wants to know what is going on in your life, joking with you and knowing your mood.

Here are three other signs that can indicate the unrest in the real friendship with you. Remember, however, that every behavior should be measured in the overall context of one’s relationship and personality, not alone.

1. During the hardships they disappear

If when you have a problem and concern, they do not get you or are unavailable, they can be a sign of their lack of friendship. A real friend, even if he can’t help you, at least hearing ear is for your heart pain and tries to give you hope.

1. Are ignoring your successes

People who don’t really care about you usually do not take your joys and victories seriously or try to make it trivial. A friend who is not happy with your success or at least congratulates you is probably not much interested in continuing the relationship.

1. Are constantly humiliating or comparing with others

If you constantly feel that you are humiliated by someone or his or her conversation is full of negative comparison (for example, “doing this better”), it indicates that this person does not really feel satisfied with you and does not care about your growth.

11. Do not respect your privacy and borders

A real friend respects your boundaries; For example, he knows when to message or how to raise sensitive topics. If anyone is constantly moving in your privacy or has unreasonable expectations, you may have considered him too much.

12. Discusses your private issues with others

If a person constantly convey your secrets and private talks to others and marginalizes you, he certainly cannot be considered a true friend. Someone you care about protects your words and information and adheres to the boundaries of lending. We need to know How to be kind without a person’s personal borders.

1. Absent in your happiness

In addition to not having your hardships, it does not even attend friendly joys and parties on various pretexts. Real friendship is not just for hard days, but also partnering in happy moments.

1. He does not behave sincerely

You always feel that it is secretive, it gives semi -finished information, or even small and large lies are found in its words. Honesty is one of the main foundations of any relationship, and its absence shows that this person does not care much about trusting you.

1. His expectations are endless but he makes no effort

Sometimes people who want to play the role of “friend” have a lot of expectations (permanent companionship, financial or emotional assistance), but when it comes to them, they do not take action. This is not a two -way relationship and it is only you who are trying and paying

How do we find out that our comrades love us?

Now that we have said the signs that no one wants to be your friend, let’s just say a little bit of the signs of love. These are the signs of your friend and friend’s interest in you.

  1. He gives a closure: It shows that your situation is important to you and your work.
  2. There are both in your happiness and in the troubles: Whether it’s good or bad, you are with you.
  3. He listens to your words carefully and reacts: It values ​​your talk and tries to understand you.
  4. Being happy about your success and progress: Your happiness makes him happy and respects your achievements.
  5. Your talk is friendly and unassuming: You are comfortable next to him and do not need to pretend or extend extra.
  6. He respects your boundaries and privacy: He does not want to cross your red line and violate your privacy.
  7. He is secret and does not reveal confidential words: It is reliable and it is important to protect your trust.
  8. Criticism makes a constructive and honest help: Compassionately suggested that your problem be resolved, not blame.
  9. Accepts you as you are: It does not try to change your change and does not be extreme.
  10. Eager to meet in person and chat with you: It values ​​to you.
  11. He also talks to you about his concerns and feelings: He trusts and self -reliance.
  12. I appreciate your love and thank you: It does not overlook your efforts and attention.
  13. In the differences, he deal with logic and respect: It tries to stay healthy and solve the problem.
  14. Tries to make shared memories: She likes to have positive positive experiences.
  15. Empathy and cares about your emotions: It understands you and value your inner present.

Final speech

Just as you can’t be a friend of all, not everyone and they don’t want to be your friend. For this reason, it is necessary to understand the signs mentioned in preventing your valuable time. Give the relationships that the other side is eager.

It may be uncomfortable to understand that a particular person does not want to be friends with you, but there are certainly those who really know your friend. So if the door is closed somewhere, maybe the door will open. You don’t have to waste your time behind the closed doors and try to open it.

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