Interesting and beautiful English texts alchemist

The English text of the alchemist book

Excerpt from the most beautiful The English text of the alchemist book with Persian translation We have presented that you can use Instagram for post, capacity and storytelling.


Intuition is Really a Sudden Immersion of the Soul
Into The Universal Current of Life
Intuition, actually immersing the soul of the soul
Is in the flow of being


The problem is that’s the they don not the realize
That’s they’re walking a new road every day
They Don’T See That Fields Are New
and the Seasons Change
All they think about and water
The problem is that they don’t even know
Who walk on a new road every day
They don’t see the plains fresh
And seasons change
Their only intellectual concern is food and water…


Beards a CUSE
Any blessings that are ignored
It will become a curse…


Why do we have to be listen to ours? The Boy Aske
Because, wherever your heart is
That is where you will find your treasure
The boy asked, “Why should we listen to our heart?”
Replied. Because wherever the heart is
You will find your treasure there



I don’t Live in Eater My Past or My Future
I’M Interest Only in the Presence
If you can Concentrate Always on the Presence
you’ll be a happy man
I don’t live in the past or the future.
I am just interested in the present.
If you can always focus on the present moment
Will be a happiness person.


When Each Day is the Same as the Next
It’s because People Fail to Recognize The Good Things
that is the happen in their lives every day that Sun Rises
Every time you notice that all your days are alike
That’s why you can’t understand the good things that happen every day
Events like sunrise…


You will be never be abell to your head.
So it’s Better to Listen to what it has to say
You can never run away from your heart
So listen to what your heart says


There is only one way to learn
Its Through Action
There is only one way to learn
Learning is achieved only through action
Whatever you need to know you have learned during your journey


Your Eyes Show the Strength of Your Soul
Your eyes show the power of your soul


The Others Become Angry
EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE A CLEAR IDEA of How to Other People Should Lead Their Lives
If something that others want is not
They get angry
It seems that all have a clear impression of how to live another
But have no idea about how they live their lives


A Grain of Sand is a Moment of Creation
and the universe has taken million of years to create it
A grain of sand is a moment of creation
And the world has spent millions of years to create that time…


I’m like everyone else
I see the world in the Terms of What Wike Like to See Happy
Not What Actually Does
I am like others too.
I see the world as I like
Not as it really is


If you do
You wont be abol to talk to your head
Do not give up your fears
If you do this
Can’t talk to your heart anymore


IF I CAN LEARN to Understand This Language Without Words
I can Learn to Understand the World
If I can learn to understand this language without words
May I learn to understand the world


Beautiful texts of alchemist book

Butting that Happens Twice Will Surely Happen a Third Time
Anything that happens once can never happen again
But whatever happens twice is certainly happening for the third time


The Simple Things Are Also the Most Extraordinary Things
and only the wise can see them

Simple things are also among the most extraordinary things
But only wise can see them


No One Should Feel Afraid of the Unknown
because everyone is capable of Achieving Everything He Wants and Needs
No one should feel afraid of the unknown
Because everyone is able to achieve whatever they want and need


He Hadn’s Cent in His Pocket
But he had faith
He didn’t even have a cant in his pocket
But he believed…


It’s the possibility of the hasy of a Dream Come TRUE
that makes Life Interesting
The possibility that a dream can join the reality
It makes life interesting…


To Realize One’s Destiny is a Person’s Only Obligation
The realization of fate is the only commitment to a person…


AT a Ceract Point in Our Lives
We Lose Control of What’s Happening to Us
and out Lives Beamee Controlled by Fate
That’s the World’s Greatest Lie
At a particular point of our lives
Control what happens to us
And our lives are controlled by fate
This is the world’s greatest lie


It’s one thing to feed that you are on the right path
Butt’s to think that is the only path
To think you are on the right track is a thing
And to think your path is the only right path, something else!


The boy knew that in the MONEY WASS MAGIC
WHOEVER HASS MONEY Is Never Really Alone
The boy knew that there was magic in money
Anyone who has money is never alone


It’s the Simple Things in Life
that is the most extraordinary
These simple things in life
They are the most wonderful things…


SOMETIMES it’s Better to Leave Things As They Are
Sometimes you have to give up things as they are


IF A Person Is Living Out HIS Destiny
There is only one thing that make a dream imposible to achieve
The Fear of Failure

If one lives their destiny
Will know whatever is needed
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible
Fear of failure


Once Someone Asked Me
What do you want to be your epitaph?
So i said, paulo coelho died when he was alive
When asked me
What do you like to write on the grave?
I said write Paulo Coilo when he was alive …


Life is Really General to Those
WHO PURSUE Their Personal Legend
Life than those who follow their personal legend
Really generously acts


Anyone Who Interfers with the Destiny of Another Thing
Never Will Discover HIS OWN
Anyone who interferes in the fate of something else
Will never discover himself


Not all can realize their dreams in a way


If you improove on the presenter
What is the comees later Will Also Be Better
If you have already improved
What will come later is also better


No Project is Completed
No projects to do
Until we achieve its goals


I Don’T Want to Change Anyting
because I do not know how to deal with Change
I don’t want to change something
Because I don’t know how to cope with change


We, Their Hearts, Become Fearful Just Thinking of Loveed One WHO AWAY Forever, or Moments That Could Been Been Been YouT, OR Moments That Could Been Found But Were Forever Hidden in the Sands.

We, our hearts, are only in the fear of losing the loved ones who were permanently out of us, or the moments that could be good but not, or the moments they could find, but forever hid under the sand.


Maybe God Created the Desert
so that man cound appreciate the date trees
Maybe God created deserts
So that man can appreciate the palm trees…


Usally the Three of Death
Makes People A Lot More Aware of their Lives
Usually threats to death causes
People to be more aware of their lives


I Must has no fear of Failure
IT Was My Fear of Failure
that first kept me from Attempting the Master Work
I should not be afraid of failure.
That was my fear of failure
That first stopped me from trying to master


We are afraid of losing what we have
We are afraid of losing what we have

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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