Pharmacy Design Standards – How

The pharmacy is one of the handicrafts and services that are very important design and decoration. Pharmacy design standards have been provided to create a safe and convenient environment so that the drugs can be maintained and easily distributed and delivered. Pharmacy design and decoration standards include various aspects, including physical layout, lighting, ventilation, drug storage, safety, accessibility and more.

The general principles of pharmacy design

The design and design of the pharmacy should be done so that the patient and customer needs are well covered. It is also necessary for personnel and pharmacists to be standardized in every respect so as not to make a mistake in providing medicines. Among the standards Design and Decor of Pharmacy We can mention the following.


Access to the pharmacy from the outdoor space should be possible without any obstacles. Pharmacies are usually designed on the main streets and have good local access. The interior of the pharmacy should also be accessible to everyone. Conditions for people with motor problems should be considered. The width of the pharmacy should be such that people on the wheelchair can easily travel. Also in pharmacies that are different with the sidewalk; The wheelchair entry should be considered.

Suitable layout of spaces

Spatial organization is one of the most important principles of pharmacy design. Different departments of the pharmacy, including the place of drug delivery, the consulting space and the sales of cosmetics, should be well organized in the space so that people can get their desired services without any problems. The principled spatial organization enhances the efficiency of the staff and helps the economic development of the pharmacy.

Health and cleanliness

Pharmacies are subordinates of therapeutic spaces, and cleaning and hygiene in them are the first word. As such, choosing the right material for surfaces, walls, flooring and so on is very important. Tonely levels that show contamination well and easily clean are the best option for the pharmacy decor. Antibacterial pages are a great option for pharmacy counterparts.

Appropriate ventilation and temperature

Temperature and humidity control is one of the most important things to consider when designing a pharmacy. Because some medicines require special storage conditions. The pharmacy warehouse needs to be located in a place away from direct sunlight and the shelves should be properly located. The interior temperature should also be temperate and appropriate for employees and clients to feel good when entering the pharmacy.

What are pharmacy design standards?

Adhering to the physical design standards and decor of the pharmacy helps to create a beautiful and efficient environment. Here, in addition to the standard dimensions and sizes, we need to consider the proper segmentation of the spaces, how the shelf is placed, and how the counters are placed in the pharmacy. Below we discuss in detail the pharmacy design and decoration standards.

Minimum area required for pharmacy

Different countries have considered different rules for the standard dimensions of the pharmacy space. Typically, the space of a pharmacy should be at least 2 square meters to cover the space standards and provide the necessary functions. Pharmacies that fall into the clinic or hospital should have more useful space; Because the crowd is greater in these spaces.


Section of spaces is one of the most important standards of pharmacy design. Different parts of the pharmacy must be properly separated from each other to maximize efficiency. Here’s a look at different parts of the pharmacy.

  • Admissions and Counseling: In this area, patients and clients consult with a pharmacist or health care consultant.
  • Delivery and Delivery section: Here are copies from clients and then the drugs are delivered to clients.
  • Drug Warehouse: The drug warehouse has several shelves. This space must have a good ventilation system and protect the natural sunlight.
  • Cosmetics Section: This section is commercial and its design is very important. Here various skin and hair products are available and suitable shelves and shelves should be designed.
  • Employees’ office space: The office space includes office, rest and toilet. In some pharmacies there is a room for managing the pharmacy. The restroom and rest are also side spaces that we can consider in the pharmacy space design.

Pharmacy Design Safety Standards and Decor

It is very important to observe safety tips in the pharmacy. Because drugs and chemicals are stored in this space, and any negligence can cause life and financial damage. Here we discuss the safety standards of the pharmacy interior design and decoration.

Observance of the safety of medication

In order to maintain the safety of the drugs, we need to consider the specific points that we will mention:

  • Suitable shelving of medicines: Medications should be categorized based on their own characteristics. For example, refrigerated drugs, drugs, antibiotics and toxic drugs should be placed on separate shelves.
  • Locking some shelves and drug maintenance: Some dangerous or controlled drugs should be stored in lock shelves so that they do not have easy access.

Standards relevant to staff and clients’ safety standards

Pharmacy design standards are not only related to the organizing spaces and layouts; Here, it is necessary to properly respect the safety of people, both staff or clients. The following points are essential for designing a standard, high -end pharmacy:

  • Pharmacy flooring should have good friction.
  • The pharmacy must have a CCTV camera to prevent any theft and harassment in the pharmacy.
  • The existence of a fire extinguishing system, including firefighting capsules and smoke alarms in the pharmacy, is essential.

Pharmacy -relatedostatics

The pharmacy ventilation, as we said earlier, is very important. Because many medications must be kept under certain conditions. It is necessary to consider a suitable air conditioning system in the pharmacy. Architects consult with installation engineers in this situation. Pharmacies should also be equipped with an emergency ventilation system. To cleanse the pharmacy air conditioning system when leaking chemicals or harmful gases.

Pharmacy Lighting Standards

Principal lighting is one of the most important things to consider when designing a pharmacy. Using daylight is essential in all circumstances and reduces the need for artificial light and the use of electrical energy. However, we should point out that the shelves of the medicine must be protected from natural light. Considering LED lighting equipment is also essential to increase visibility and reduce staff eye fatigue. In the copy section, we need special lighting so that there is no mistake in the delivery of the drugs.

Final speech

As when Office decoration We need to pay attention to the proper organization of spaces, and when designing and decoring the pharmacy we should also consider the standards. Adhering to pharmacy design standards not only leads to a high -performance space, but also helps the beauty of space. Designing a pharmacy requires important points such as safety, health, technology and ergonomics so that all persons, both staff and clients, feel comfortable in the environment.

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