Ensha about if I was a tree

Ensha about if I was a tree

Essay from the language of a tree for fourth grade students We have presented the elementary school that you can inspire.


If I were a tree, I would have liked to be a fruit tree, a thriving tree, with a throwing tree to see the sun well and the sun to spread its golden beams on my leaves, and my roots were so dirt so that no wind and storm can be separated from the ground.

If I was a tree, I would have wished my house was next to the mental water atmosphere, with the sound of the soulful music of the permanent day and nights, and my roots would be watered whenever they want and do not look at water and never see themselves dry.

I would give my branches out to the birds to nest, and I saw their patience and open wings, and when they were tired of winging and filling in, I would accept them with open arms, and I would sleep in their nights and watch them in the morning.

If I were a tree, I would have wore a green green dress in the spring with white blossoms hanging from every side, and sometimes I would put those magical white balls to the breeze of the spring and the rain of blossom would fall on my ground and cover the green ground.

In the summer, I would give my fruits to everyone to enjoy eating, and watching people who come to hand with baskets in hand and watch their smile on me when they are fruits and with hands full of me.

If I were a tree, I would have shielded myself so that anyone who passed around was shadowed in the shadow of my shoots from the hot and heat of the summer, and would never forget the cool sleeping memory under my shoot.

If I were a tree, something that was afraid of my vein and the horror would be the sound of the ax, especially when the sound of its suffering from afar would resonate with the sound of death everywhere, and then a tree with sharp blows.

The death of the ax was what I was defenseless against, and I couldn’t do anything.

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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