Use suitable seeds such as Christmas moss, cat tail, azola and hair grass to plant aquatic vegetables. First, cover the bottom of the container (tight, aquarium or glass bowl) with a layer of sand. Then spread the seeds on the surface and moisten with water spray. Cover the container with cellophane and place in an indirect light and temperature of 1 to 2 degrees. Regular replacement of water, preventing algae growth and providing sufficient light helps to better grow vegetables. For more beauty, colored pebbles and small ornamental fish can be used along the vegetable. The best time to plant is about 7 days before Nowruz to have a lush and beautiful vegetable for the Seven Sin.
Planting aquatic vegetable for Eid
Choosing the right seed
To plant aquatic vegetables, you need to use the right seeds to grow in the blue environment. Seeds such as Christmas moss, cat tail, green cabuma, hair grass and azola are the right options. These plants are selected because of their rapid growth and high adaptation to the blue environment. Some of these seeds require direct light and others grow in the shade. So you need to consider your environmental conditions. Make fresh and healthy seeds from reputable centers to get a beautiful, lush green.
Preparation of planting bed
Proper bed plays an important role in the growth of aquatic vegetable. To do this, first cover the tight floor or aquarium with a layer of sand. The use of natural sands that have little minerals is useful for plant growth. Then pour a layer of thinner than washed to prevent muddy water. This combination helps the seeds to root better and stay in place. Finally, moisten the bed surface slightly to prepare for planting.
Planting aquatic seeds
After preparing the bed, sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface. Some aquatic seeds need light for germination, so don’t cover them. After sprinkling the seeds, spray some water on them to have enough moisture. Then cover the container with a layer of cellophane to maintain moisture. Make a few holes on cellophane to flow. Place the container in a place at 1 to 2 degrees Celsius and gentle light. After a few days, the seeds begin to germinate.
The supply of light and temperature appropriate
Light and temperature are the main factors in the growth of aquatic vegetables. Most aquatic plants require temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. If the environment is too cold or hot, the growth of the seeds will be disrupted. Adequate light is essential for the seeds of the seeds. Putting the container in indirect sunlight is the best option. In the absence of enough natural light, artificial lights such as plant growth lamps can be used. Light and temperature regulation in the early days of planting is very important to grow plants well.
Watering and replacement
Clean and transparent water is essential for aquatic vegetable. If the water remains stagnant, the algae will grow and the plants will weaken. To avoid this problem, it is best to replace the container water every two weeks. When replacing water, you should be careful not to damage the plants. Water treatment solutions can be used to cleanse water from contaminants. If the fish is kept next to the vegetable, water replacement becomes more important. Keeping water quality brings you a healthy, lush green.
Choose the right container
The container you choose to plant aquatic vegetable has a great impact on its growth. Transparent glass narrows, small aquariums or glazed clay are good options. Parts with loose openings provide more oxygen and improve plant growth. In addition, choosing a container that has sufficient depth makes the roots of the plants better stabilized. If you are planning to use fish next to the vegetable, the container should have enough space for fish swimming. Consider the beauty and fit of the container with other components of the Seven Tablet.
Prevent the growth of algae
Algae are common problems in planting aquatic vegetable. If the container is exposed to direct sunlight or the water is not replaced properly, the algae will grow rapidly. To prevent this problem, place the container in a gentle light. The use of water treatment filters can also be effective. Ornamental snails or algae can also be used to control algae growth. Removing extra algae with hand or a soft brush also helps maintain water cleaning. By following these tips, you will have a vibrant and beautiful green.
Added fish to tight
After the full growth of the vegetables, small ornamental fish can be used for more beauty. Fish such as Goldfish, Zebra and Gopi are suitable for this. In addition to its charm, these fish help the biological balance of the container. But it should be noted that some fish damage the plants. Before adding fish, make sure the oxygen content in the water. Also, proper nutrition and proper maintenance of fish will keep both fish healthy and keep your vegetable fresh.
Decorative pebbles
To enhance the beauty of aquatic vegetable, colored pebbles on the bottom of the container can be used. These pebbles, in addition to their beautiful appearance, also help to stabilize the roots of the plants. It is best to use rocks that do not dissolve in water and have no effect on water quality. Natural white, blue and brown pebbles give a special appearance to aquatic vegetable. Some people also use marine corals and small mussels to decorate. The proper combination of these elements with aquatic vegetables creates an attractive and eye -catching effect.
Scheduling aquatic planting
In order for your aquatic vegetable to grow completely during Nowruz, you need to have a good time to plant it. The best time to plant seeds is about 7 days before Eid. It is enough for the seeds to sprout and green. In the early days, the brunette requires sufficient light and moisture. As we approach Nowruz, its growth will be completed and ready to be used in the Haftsin table. If implanted earlier, it may grow too much and its appearance may become unnecessary.
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