Diagnosis of psychological manipulation and 2 ways to respond to it

In social psychology, there are eleven types of major influences: encouragement, self -esteem, induction, contagion, imitation, emotion, request, coercion, criticism, ignorance and psychological manipulation. Psychological manipulation is the hidden emotional impact applied to another by one person. This concept is close to reverse psychology, and at the same time contradictory.

In reverse psychology, one tries to force the other party to do the opposite. While psychological manipulation is aimed at influencing one’s behavior to gain personal interests and to the detriment of the other party. Psychological manipulation tactics are commonly used by narcissistic individuals, such as emotional ransom or guilt. These tactics are to hide one’s true intentions unless you are fully aware. We have to be aware and know How to treat narcissistic people.

Methods of psychological manipulation in intercontinental relationships include: denial (rejection), disregard, justification (rationalization), deviation (distraction), deception, secrecy, guilt, shamefulness, and sacrifice. Those who manipulate others psychologically are said to control their victims by positive reinforcement (definition, excessive apologies, gifts, attention), negative reinforcement (getting rid of the problem), unstable or partial strengthening (fear, doubt) and punishment (blame, scream).

The diagnosis of psychological manipulation

To identify psychological manipulation you need to know its signs:

  • Vaguely raise the desires and needs
  • Excuse, shrink or justify
  • Lying, denial and deceit
  • Explosive cries or nervous attacks
  • The use of a complex language that is difficult to understand
  • Forced behaviors
  • Abandonment
  • Judgment, ridicule or criticism
  • Bombardment of love
  • Feeling guilty and threatening the ultimate conditions
  • To be angry
  • Saying just joking or joking when expressing annoying tips (offensive or cruel humor)

The benefits of liberation from psychological manipulation

If you are in touch with people who intend to control others by psychological manipulation, you know how much these behaviors can have a negative impact on your mental health. When you minimize your relationship with these people or discontinue and learn and learn How to play with others, You will gain the following benefits:

  • Emotional Control: You adjust your emotional aspects and keep your emotions control so as not to be influenced by psychological manipulation.
  • Decision -making: By re -gaining your independence, you can better identify psychological manipulation, challenge your doubts, and make the right decisions without the impact of others.
  • Critical Thinking: Critical thinking helps you get away from situations as well as objectively evaluate the speech and behavior of others, without being affected by emotions or pressure.
  • Stress Management: By away from these people, the main source of stress is identified. That’s why you can participate in other activities and enjoy them without stress.

Physical health

Keeping the right diet is essential for overall health, because proper nutrition gives both the body and the mind energy and strengthens a positive view of life. Along with healthy nutrition, self -care plays a vital role in ensuring mental and emotional stability; Because it is time to devote time to personal peace and growth.

In addition, the regular sleep cycle is critical to maintaining energy levels and cognitive function. When unhealthy habits are resolved, it becomes easier to achieve a constant sleep routine and will improve focus, mood and overall health. Overall, these habits help to have a healthier and more satisfying lifestyle as well as increase your self -esteem. As a result, they will affect you to reduce the effects of psychological manipulation.

Common phrases of psychological manipulation and how to respond

People who manipulate others psychologically use different terms in different environments. You can better identify and respond better by knowing these phrases. Some of these expressions in different environments are:

1. Political environment

Psychological manipulation of politics is often used to influence public opinion, to gain support and maintain power through the exploitation of emotions and prejudices. Politicians usually use persuasive tactics to attract voters, such as general promises such as “If you vote for us, we do good for the country!” However, such statements often lack tangible evidence and rely on psychological strategies such as emotions, use of vague language, the creation of false dilation, and incorrectly presenting facts to form public perception.

One appropriate question to challenge such claims may be: “What evidence do you have to confirm your claim to do good for the country?” This encourages critical accountability and thinking and pushes for transparency in political discourse.

2. Corporate environment

Psychological manipulation in the company environment is a common and complex issue that can be revealed through various individuals, including colleagues, employment and management officials. The common example is when the general manager assures the employee without providing specific details: “Next time we choose to promote a job.” Such statements often rely on psychological tactics, such as the promise of rewards that are never realized, and the hidden information to maintain employees’ motivation while delaying real job growth.

The right answer to deal with such ambiguity can be: “What is the next job upgrade cycle and what is the decision -making process?” This pushes for transparency and accounts for management to its claims.

1. Family environment

Psychological manipulation in the family will be a deeply serious issue that often has the emotional and psychological effects of the victim on the victim. This can be different, from subtle tactics to obvious abuse, so that parents sometimes use their authority to exercise control over the lives of their children. For example, a parent may say, “We gave birth to you, so deciding who to marry us.” These statements use psychological and emotional manipulation, induce a false sense of control, and may even include gas lubrication or love to pressure one’s obedience.

A strong and decisive response to such psychological manipulation can be: “Marriage is all about love and adaptation, not a family commitment. This is my life and I will make my life choices. ” Determining strong boundaries helps protect personal independence and assures that important life decisions are made on the basis of individual happiness rather than external pressure.

1. Educational environment

Psychological manipulation in the educational environment can have a significant impact on students and may be from teachers, peers or even management. The professor may say, “I expect more from you given all the extra help I have given you!” A statement that uses commitment, guilt, and even discrimination to pressure the student. Such tactics can cause unnecessary stress and affect the student’s self -esteem.

The right answer in these circumstances may be: “Thank you for your extra help, Master. “I have more confidence in your expectations and I will never disappoint you.” This response, while appreciating the help, confirming self -esteem and personal independence and preventing the root of psychological and emotional manipulation.

1. Media environment

Psychological manipulation through various forms of media such as the press, radio, cinema, television, the Internet and advertising has increased significantly with the advancement of modern science and technology. Advertising in this environment strategically targets people’s fears, insecurity and desires and convince them that a particular product will solve their problems. This is obtained through psychological tactics such as celebrity confirmation, a sense of lack of shortage and customized advertising based on user data.

To counter these psychological manipulation strategies, the right action is to work. Including; Do independent research, question the source of information, and maintain a significant level of doubt before deciding to buy.

have mental health by preventing psychological manipulation

Relieve from manipulation requires time, awareness and confidence. By understanding the tactics of manipulation, determining clear boundaries and critical thinking, you can protect others from being controlled. Learning not to say, managing emotions and searching for support are key steps in this process. With patience, you can control your thoughts, feelings and decisions and have a healthier and more secure life.

Have you been in touch with such people? Tell us about your experiences.

Source: How to Recognize and Response to Manipulation

What to do to eliminate the feeling of depression?

In depression, sadness penetrates the deep layers of life and causes disorders in your emotions and behavior. If you feel depressed, be sure to eradicate the problem with the help of a specialist psychologist. Click on the button below to contact the Depression Specialist.

Warning! This is merely an educational aspect and you need to consult a physician or specialist. More information

Say and hear the words with the help of body language

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