⚡️🔥 Horoscope 100 % correct and accurate tomorrow (Friday, March 6)

Horoscope of the Daily Hafiz today with a detailed interpretation

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Hafez Horoscope

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Tarot horoscope

Ghazal No. 355 Divan Hafez: Now I see the expediency of the time

Now I see the expediency of the time
To put the raisins of the cloak and sit down

I take the cup and get away from the hypocrites
I mean, from the world of Pakdeli

There was no except for my book and my book.
Till the opponents of the tone to the low world

Head to freedom from the creation because I have cedar
Gonna give the hand to the world in the world

Enough of the contaminated laf
Shameful of the skirt and the rainbow

My tight chest and the burden of his sadness
Man is not expensive this time

I if my ruin and the groaning of the city
This is the case that hemishes and less of Zainim

My servant of my heart
That if my tail is asking for the wheel

On my heart is the oppression of the gods.
To become a mirror

Hafiz’s sonnet number 355 in your horoscope:

The people of Doro and Badr have surround you, try to get away from them as far as possible. Sitting and getting up with these people will cause a lot of trouble.

Do not ignore the remembrance of God to achieve peace and trust in Him. Experience the hardship of patience that will end the tough days soon.

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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