Is Eid nuts infected? Hygienic methods for disinfecting and maintenance

Eid nuts are essential for maintaining the health of consumers. Methods such as putting nuts in the oven, microwave or frying on the stove can be used to eliminate contamination. Buying nuts from reputable centers, maintaining it in door containers and moisture away from moisture are important health points. Hand washing before consuming and avoiding bulk nuts helps reduce the risks of pollution. With these tips, healthy and healthy nuts can be prepared and consumed for Nowruz.

Disinfecting Eid nuts

Importance of nuts.

Nuts are one of the most consumed foods in Nowruz, which is made from stores, nuts and local markets. In the process of harvesting, packaging and supply, these products are exposed to various contaminants such as dust, bacteria and viruses. In addition, handling different people in bulk nuts can increase the likelihood of transmission of diseases. Disinfection of nuts before consumption helps reduce these contaminants and minimize the risks of consuming contaminated nuts. Observing health tips in the process of purchasing, disinfection and maintenance ensures family health.

Disinfection Methods

One of the simplest ways to eliminate possible germs and viruses in nuts is to put it in the oven. To do this, first spread the nuts on a tray so that heat reaches all of them. Then adjust the oven to 2 to 5 degrees Celsius and place the nuts in it for 1 to 2 minutes. In addition to disinfecting, this process also helps to improve the taste and freshness of nuts. After removing the oven, allow the nuts to cool and then keep it in door containers.

The use of microwave

Microwave is another use of nuts for nuts that can eliminate microbial contaminants due to the production of thermal waves. To do this, pour the nuts into a microwave container and adjust the device to a medium or high temperature. About 1 to 2 minutes, it is enough to penetrate the nuts well. Note that the use of appropriate and heat -resistant containers is essential. After the process is finished, allow the nuts to cool completely and then keep it in a cool dry place.

Gas stove

If you do not have access to the oven or the microwave, you can use the nuts on the stove. To do this, pour the nuts in a dry, clean pan and place over medium heat. Stir them regularly to see all parts heat. In addition to eliminating contaminants, this method also makes nuts more crisp. Make sure the time is not over 5 minutes, as it may cause nuts to burn. After cooling, keep them in a suitable container to maintain their freshness.

Eid Nuts Purchase Tips

For Buy nuts Healthy and healthy, it is best to use reputable stores and standard packaging. Nuts that are exposed to free air may be contaminated with environmental contaminants and insects. When shopping, pay attention to the color, smell and appearance of nuts and avoid buying old nuts, moisture or abnormal spots. Preferably choose products that have a production and expiration date. It is also advisable to avoid buying nuts or abnormal smells such as the smell of smell, as they may be rotten.

Health maintenance methods

After purchasing and disinfecting nuts, Nuts’ keeping tips It is very important. Nuts should be kept in door and non -air -to -air containers to prevent dust, insects and moisture from entering. Glass or plastic containers with a tight door are the best option for keeping nuts. You should also place the nuts in a dry, cool, away sunlight. To prevent moisture absorption, you can place small moisture -absorbing packages in the nuts container. Using a refrigerator for long -term storage is also a good option.

The importance of timely use of nuts

Nuts, if stored for a long time, may lose their quality, taste and nutritional value. Exposure to air and moisture can oxidize its fats and change the taste. The best time to consume nuts is one to two months after purchase. To increase shelf life, nuts can be stored in zippered bags in the refrigerator or freezer. In this way, the freshness and nutritional value of nuts will be preserved and the likelihood of corruption or mildew growth decreases.

Diagnosis of fresh nuts from the old

To detect fresh nuts, be careful about the color, smell and texture. Fresh nuts are transparent, shiny, and without unnecessary changes. If nuts give an unpleasant odor such as smell, spicy or stubbornness, it is likely to be old or rotten. Also, the texture of fresh nuts is crisp and delicious, while old nuts may be soft or delicious. You can taste a small amount to ensure freshness. If you have a bitter or oily taste, avoid it.

Importance of hand washing

Even if you have disinfected nuts, direct contact with contaminated hands can cause germs. Careful hand washing with soap and soap before consuming nuts is one of the simplest ways to prevent transmission of diseases. It is best to use a spoon or clean tongs to remove nuts when receiving nuts at parties. This will not only help personal health, but also prevents pollution among other people. Observing these tips during Nowruz will maintain the health of guests and the family.

Final recommendations

It is important to have a healthy and unnecessary Nowruz, adhering to health principles in purchasing, disinfecting and maintaining nuts. Avoid buying bulk nuts that are exposed to contamination and make packaged and hygienic nuts. When storing, put the nuts in appropriate containers and keep it in a dry, cool and away environment. In the reception of guests, use spoon and clean tongs to remove nuts. With these tips, you can enjoy delicious and tasty nuts in Nowruz and maintain your health and your loved ones.

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