What is Salavat Ebrahimi and how is it read for the need?

Ebrahimi Salavat is not only mentioned as the bow and honor of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his holy family, but also a prayer for increasing blessings and divine mercy. Also, you can get more grace Types of Salat in Religious Party Also recite. In this article, we are going to talk about how Salavat and Greetings to Ebrahimi.

Salavat Ebrahimi

What is Salat and Greetings?

Salavat Ebrahimi is obligatory for the Sunnis in Tashad. The Shiites greet Prophet Muhammad and his family at the time of Tashad, but it is also necessary to read Salat Ebrahimi during Tashad. Greetings to Ebrahimi or the text of Salavat Ebrahimi as follows:

Allah Almighty Ali Muhammad and Al -Muhammad Salit Ali Ibrahim and Al -Ibrahim, the Holy Prophet. And Barak Ali Muhammad and Al -Muhammad Kama Barakat Ali Ibrahim and Al -Ibrahim, Nanaki Himidida.

Also, you can also listen to the Salavat Ebrahimi audio by reading the text or from Zaynab (SA) Vow Salat (SA) Use to open the job.

How to terminate Salavat Ebrahimi

The Sunni Salavat of the Sunnis is very acceptable in terms of the special and good place that Ibrahim Khalilullah had with God and is recited in many religious ceremonies. The famous way of ending the Sunni Greetings of the Sunnis is a repetition of the heart of the heart.

The meaning of Salavat Ebrahimi

The Persian translation of Salavat Ebrahimi is as follows:

God! To Muhammad and his family, as you sent Salavat to Abraham and his family, send Salavat and bless Muhammad and his family, as you blessed Abraham and his family. Because you are commendable and commendable.

The origin of Salavat Ebrahimi

The principle of Salavat Abraham’s narrative is attributed to Imam Ali (AS) and his dear family, and it is said that they have attributed it to Prophet Abraham. In some sources, they have been linked to the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his command in Islamic wars.

Importance of Salavat Ebrahimi to the Imams (AS)

Regarding the importance and status of Salavat Abraham, the same as quoted in the second volume of the book of Arwah al -Wassiqi, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has preceded it over Salat and said:

Therefore, the poem of al -Anbiyya al -Aulin, the chapters of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and therefore the poem of Abraham, the chapters against Salva Alami.

Whenever you mention any of the Nabia before me, then first send Bremen Salat and then, but when you speak the name of Jadam Abraham, first send him to him and then to me.

As narrated in Islamic sources, when the angel of revelation told Prophet Abraham about the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the future, he said, “I also accept his province” and in the Qur’an in verse 2. Surat al -Safat is referred to as:

He is the man of the manifestation

And Ibrahim is one of his Shiites (Ali)

Properties and Benefits of Salavat Ebrahimi

Recitation of Salavat Ebrahimi with heart intentions will cause the following virtues:

  • Openness
  • Increased and day -to -day blessings in life
  • Gap
  • Disposal and disasters that may flow over the person
  • Treatment of diseases and relieves the boredom of loved ones
  • Relaxation
  • Overcoming enemies and opponents and preventing harm from others to the person

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