Gandhi pure words about success in life, love and humanity

Mahatma Gandhi Sentence Collection

Excerpt from the most beautiful Mahatma Gandhi’s important remarks We have offered love, love, friendship, and humanity for success in life and work that you can use for post, capacity and Instagram.


Is Better than a ‘Yees’ Merely Uttered to Please
or work to avoid Trouble
A “no” that is called deep belief
Is better than a “yes” that is merely to be pleased
Or worse than it is to avoid trouble


The Future Depends on what you do today
The future depends on what you do today


First they Ingnore you
Then you win
First ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight with you.
And finally you win.


A man is but the production of the those
What he thinks, he becomes
Man is the product of his thoughts
And becomes someone who thinks of


The Best Way to find your
is to lose yourself in the Service of Others
The best way in which you can find yourself
Is to lose yourself in serving others


Happy is when what you think
and what you do are in harmony
Happiness Time occurs.
That what you think with what you say
And what you do is harmonious


Live as if you were to die tomorrow
Learn as if you go to live for forever
In some way Life Be as if you are going tomorrow.
Learn to be alive as if you are always alive


The Real Ornament of Woman is Her Character
The real ornament of one Woman Character
And his purity is


A Coward is Incapable of Exhibiting
Love it is the ProgaTe of the Brave
The cowardly human being able to express Love Not
This is the right of the brave people


The Day the Live of the Live of Power
The World Will Know Peace
A day when the power of love overcomes the love of power
The world Peace It will know


God is love
It is the only truth i full accept
God is love
This is the only fact that I fully accept it


The Greatness of a Nation
and ITS Moral Progress Can Be Judged
By the Way Its Animals are Treated
The greatness of a nation and its moral growth
By how they behave
With Animals Can be judged


Service with Humility
is selfishness and egotism
Serve without humility
Is selfishness and self -esteem


Hate the Sin
Love the Sinner
Hate sin.
But love the guilty


Our Greatest Ability as Humans is not to change the world
But to change out
Our greatest ability as human beings is not to change the world
But the change of ourselves


What Barrier is there that love cannot Break
What is the obstacle that love cannot eliminate?


In Doing Someting
do it with love or never do it at all
Do or do it with love when doing things
Or never do


You can chain me
you can torture me
You can Even Destroy this body
But you will be imprison My Mind
Can you make me chain
Can you torture me
Can you even get rid of my body
But you can never imprison my mind.


Man Should Forget HIS A ANGE
Before He Lies Down to Sleep
The man should make his anger
Forget to forget before it sleeps.


Nobody can Hurt me without My Permission
No one can hurt me without my permission.


Where love is life is life


You must not lose faith in humanity
Humanity is an Ocean
IF A FEW DRWS OF the Ocean Are Dirty
The Ocean Dos Not Be Become Dirty
Should not be self -favored to Humanity And lose humanity
Humanity is an ocean
If a few drops of ocean are contaminated
Ocean will not be contaminated.


A Customer is the most important visitor on the premises
He is not Dependent on US
We Are Dependent on HIM
He is not an interruption in the work
He is The Purpose of It
Customer The most important visitor is in our scope of work
She is not dependent on us
But we are dependent on her
He does not interrupt our work but its purpose


Each Night When I GO TO SLEEP
I die
And the Next Morning
I am Reborn
Every night when I sleep
I die
And the next morning when I wake up
I am born again.


There are two days in the year
That we can not do anyyting
YESTERDay and Tomorrow
Two days a year
That we can’t do anything for
Yesterday and tomorrow

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