Medical Education in Italy: Unique educational opportunities and simple academic immigration path

The low cost of education and the high quality of education in Italy has made it a popular destination for academic immigration. The field of medicine in Italy, a six -year course, includes theoretical and clinical education, is the choice of many Iranian students because of the use of English language and the ability to receive a variety of scholarships. The certificate of prestigious Italian universities has been approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science of Iran and it is possible to return to the country for medicine or to continue working in Europe. Participating in the IMometric test has also made it easier to enter the field. In this post we are going to find out more about Italy’s academic immigration And provide a medical study.

Introduction to Italian Migration Conditions with the aim of studying medical fields

Medical education in ItalyIt is a unique opportunity to experience high quality education at prestigious world universities. General requirement of medical admission and education in Italy include:

Having a 2 -year diploma or equivalent diploma

To enter the medical field in Italy, a high school diploma is required or equivalent. This document indicates the completion of the basic training and scientific readiness of the applicant to enter the university. Some universities may also apply for pre -university or international equivalent documents.

Earn a passing score on the IMAT exam

The IMAT test is an international and valid test held for admission to Italian medical fields. This test includes questions about biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and logic. The acceptance score, depending on the university, vary; But its quota shows the student’s scientific ability.

Presentation of English Language (IELTS or TOEFL) at B2 Level to study English

For Italian migration and medical education in English in the country, applicants must prove their language skills by providing IELTS or TOEFL at B2 level. This level indicates the ability to understand and communicate in the academic environment. Without this degree, it is impossible to admit in English -language courses.

Presenting Italian Language Certificate on B2 Level to study Italian language

Applicants who intend to study Italian must submit an Italian B2 degree. This document shows sufficient ability to understand the lessons and interact in the educational environment. To prove this skill, tests such as CILS or CELI are accepted.

Having a financial orientation or receiving a scholarship

Italy’s academic immigration requires financial evidence to cover the costs of living and education. Students must prove their financial affairs or reduce their costs by receiving a variety of medical scholarships. Scholarships are offered according to the scientific competence or financial needs of the students.

It is true that most universities do not have a age requirement at the time of migration to Italy; But people are more likely to apply for a study visa from 1 to 5 years. In addition, there is no specific grade point average; But having a grade point average or GPA score above 1 out of 1 can increase the chances of receiving and receiving scholarships.

Steps to the simple route of Italian academic migration

The following steps must be taken to migrate to Italy and study medical fields:

Selection of the right educational destination

In the first phase of the university and the discipline that is in line with your educational and career goals. Make sure the course is presented in English or Italian.

Participate in the entrance exam (imat)

It is necessary to take the IMAT test to enter the medical fields. This test contains scientific and analytical questions and is a major requirement for admission.

Preparation of essential documents

To study in Italy, you must have documents including high school diploma or equivalent, the latest study, English or Italian language degree, IMAT exam, passport front scan, personnel photo, and financial certificate to cover education costs and costs Present life. These documents are essential for visas.

Submitting a scholarship application

To reduce the costs of education and life, submit your scholarship request to reputable universities or institutions. Scholarships are awarded based on merit or financial need.

Receive Italian Study Visa

After admission to the university in question, go to the Italian Embassy or Consulate and complete the process of obtaining a study visa. This visa will be Italian immigration permit to continue his studies in medical fields.

Which prestigious Italian medical universities are approved by the Iranian Ministry of Health?

Italian medical universities that are approved by the Iranian Ministry of Health are: Bologna University, University of Bologna, Avao Avogadro Piddemont, Catholic University of Holy Heart, Magna Grizia University, Polytechnic University Mark, University of Parja, St. Anna Pisa University, University of Rome, University of Rome Catholica, University of Lakuila, Barry University, Barza University, Caliar University, University of Calabia, University, University Katania, Chia T -Peskara University, Odin University, Ferrara University, Florence University, Genoa University, Insubia University, Messina University, Milan University, Naples University, Modena University, Regio Emilia, Padova University, Pada University, Pada University and Pisa University. These universities are recognized as the prestigious Italian academic immigration purposes for medical fields and their graduate degrees are approved by the Iranian Ministry of Health.

Benefits of Italian academic migration and medical education in the country

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Medical education in Italy has many benefits. Medical universities in the country have an advanced education system and prominent professors and are high in the world. The cost of living in Italy is more appropriate than many European countries, which is an advantage for international students. In addition, studying in Italy is an opportunity to experience the rich culture of this country, and its important cities such as Rome and Milan have many historical and artistic attractions. After graduating, students can find good job opportunities in the Italian labor market or other EU countries.

Italian migration with the help of the last wire institute

In this article, we examine the conditions of migration to Italy and study medicine. We first examined the admission requirements at Italian medical universities. We then introduced the prestigious Italian medical universities approved by the Iranian Ministry of Health. In the end, the benefits of medical education in Italy were examined. To facilitate Italy’s academic immigration and medical study, it is recommended to get help from the last wire institute. The institute makes it easier for you to provide specialized advice and detailed guidance in selecting the university, preparing for the Imat exam, preparing documents, and obtaining a study visa to Italy. The last wire with your experienced team will be with you at all stages of study in Italy.

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