To plant vegetables in the tight fish, first select transparent stenosis with a wide span and a good depth to provide sufficient light and ventilation. Soak fresh seeds such as wheat, mung beans or lentils in lukewarm water and then keep it in a damp cloth to sprout. Cover the tight foam with a thin layer of pebbles and place the germinated seeds on it, then add a small amount of water. The storage environment should be mild light and temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees. To prevent mildew, drain excess water and maintain proper ventilation.
Select tight fish
It is important to choose the right tightness for planting in the tight fish. The best option is transparent glass narrows with a wide span and a good depth. These types of narrows cause sufficient light to the seeds and provide proper ventilation for the growth of the roots. Tights with a narrow openings can accumulate moisture and mildew. Also, before use, rinse the tight with water and a small amount of white vinegar to remove any contamination and germs. Tight cleaning prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria and creates a healthy environment for the vegetable.
Choosing the right seed
Choosing the right seed has a great impact on beauty and growth. Types of seeds that can be used for planting in tight fish include lentils, wheat, mung bean and royal. Seeds that germinate faster, such as wheat and mung bean, are more suitable for this method. Also, the use of fresh and high quality seeds is important, as old seeds may grow poorly or may not be green. Before planting, soak the seeds in lukewarm water to accelerate the germination process.
Seed preparation
To get a healthy and uniform vegetable, soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 1 to 2 hours. This will soften the seed shell and accelerate the germination. After this step, place the seeds in a wet cotton cloth and put in a warm environment to germinate. It is best to moisten the cloth once a day to prevent the seeds from drying. After 2 to 5 days, when the buds appear, they can be prepared for planting in the narrow.
Branch implantation method
After the seeds are ready, pour a thin layer of pebbles or sand into the tight floor. This helps to drain and prevent root rot. Then place the germinated seeds on the tight surface and add a small amount of water. The amount of water should not be too high because the seeds need moisture to grow, not immersing in the water. To maintain moisture, the tight can be covered with a thin nylon and a little water sprayed daily to grow.
Proper water level
The amount of water in the tight has a great effect on the health of the vegetable. If the water is too much, it causes the roots to rot and the unpleasant odor. On the other hand, water scarcity causes the seeds to dry. To balance, the water level should be only enough to keep the roots moist. In the early days, sufficient moisture is important, but after the initial growth, excess water must be emptied so that the vegetables grow in a semi -humid environment. The use of refined or cooled water also helps with transparency and environmental health.
The conditions of light and temperature appropriate
Branch requires enough light to grow, but exposure to direct sunlight may cause yellow and dry. The best place to store vegetables in the tight fish is a light space with indirect light and temperature temperature (2 to 2 degrees Celsius). In the early days, tight in a warm, relatively humid place helps to accelerate germination. After the initial growth, it can be placed in a mild natural light to keep the vegetables green and lively.
Smelling and molding the brunette
One of the common problems in planting vegetables in the tight fish is its smell and mold. To prevent this problem, you need to drain excess water daily and use proper ventilation. Also, add some fresh water to the tight every two to three days to prevent the stagnation of water. If you see symptoms of mildew, add a small amount of diluted apple cider vinegar or a few drops of lemon juice to the tight water. Using high quality and clean seeds also prevents the growth of harmful fungi and bacteria.
The right time for planting
In order for your vegetable to grow best on Eid Nowruz, you need to choose the right time for planting. Seeds such as wheat and mung bean usually grow in enough to 2 to 5 days, while lentils and kingdoms require more time. The best time to plant vegetables in the tight fish is about 2 to 5 days before Nowruz. This timeframe makes the vegetable grown completely and is beautiful and beautiful on Eid. Delay in planting may cause the brunette to stay short or grow late.
To make the vegetable more beautiful in the tight fish, it must be considered. Once the vegetable grows sufficiently, the scissors can be gently trimmed to arrange its appearance. If some parts of the vegetable are over -growing or bent, the form can be more symmetrical by slightly adjusting and rotating. Also, by changing the angle of light and rotating the tight every few days, the unbalanced vegetation can be prevented.
Increase the shelf life of the brunette
In order for the vegetable to stay healthy in the tight fish, the proper storage methods must be used. One important way is to prevent the roots from flooding and periodically replacement of water. Also, placing the vegetable at a cooler and environmental temperature with mild light controls its growth and keeps it fresh for longer. If the weather is too hot, you can provide the moisture needed several times a day with water spray. With these tips, your brunette will remain lively until the end of Nowruz holidays.
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