Divorce statistics in Iran New Year, ascending or descending? !!

Divorce, as one of the most important social challenges today, has a widespread impact on the individual, family and society. Currently, rapid and widespread changes in lifestyle, values ​​and beliefs have all fueled the increase in divorce rates in Iran. This is also very common among actors.

According to the latest statistics of the Iranian Census Bureau, the trend of marriage reduction and divorce increases in the country continues. In year 2, the number of registered marriages decreased to 4.1, while the number of divorces increased to 4.3. In this report, with a comprehensive approach, we will examine the factors affecting divorce, its consequences, and strategies to prevent and reduce it.

Changes in Divorce Statistics

Divorce rates in Iran have fluctuated in recent decades. Best Divorce Lawyer in West Tehran “Many factors, including changes in family laws, increased marriage age, women’s education, women’s entry into the labor market, changes in values ​​and beliefs, etc. have been involved in these fluctuations,” he said. The same factors have led to the separation among artists.

  • Divorce Increase in recent decades: In general, divorce rates in Iran have increased in recent decades, especially in urban areas and among younger couples.
  • Regional differences: Divorce rates are not the same and there are significant differences between urban and rural areas. In general, urbanization is associated with rising divorce rates, which reflects the profound impact of urban lifestyle on the sustainability of marital relations.
  • Social Differences: The middle class often faces a higher divorce rate than other classes. This could be due to more economic pressures, contradictory expectations of life and rapid lifestyle changes in this class. In contrast, the lower classes may turn to divorce due to greater economic dependence and social constraints.

Factors Affecting Divorce Increase in Iran

There are several factors contributing to the increase in divorce in Iran, and we will discuss some of the most important.

Social and cultural factors

Fundamental changes in the social and cultural structure, including change in traditional values ​​and beliefs about family and marriage, play a significant role in raising divorce rates. Reducing the importance of commitment and loyalty to marital relations, growth of individualism, and increasing unexpected expectations of the common life are among the factors that have challenged the sustainability of couples.

The entry of women into the field of work and change in gender roles is one of the factors that the best divorce lawyer in West Tehran considers to increase divorce rates in big cities. These issues have shifted to women’s expectations and expectations of living together. To resolve the disputes arising out of these complex changes and to achieve the best results, it is necessary to go to expert advice before marriage or consult the best lawyers for marital rights.

These changes, in interacting with other factors such as reducing social capital, weakening family relationships and neighborhoods, reducing social support can lead to increased tensions and ultimately divorce. The expansion of Western culture and the promotion of individualistic and consumerist lifestyle, by influencing traditional family values, has weakened this important foundation and has increased the divorce rate.

Economic factors

Economic problems are one of the key factors in increasing divorce rates in society. Unemployment, increasing inflation, economic inequality, and livelihood problems, put a lot of psychological and financial stress on families. Increasing life costs, reducing purchasing power, and inability to meet the basic needs of the family, exacerbate disputes and tensions in couples, and can ultimately lead to divorce. These adverse economic conditions undermine the family’s psychological and economic security and have a negative impact on marital satisfaction.

Psychological factors

Marriage is one of the most important decisions of life that requires sufficient preparation and careful understanding of the parties. Lack of preparation for marriage is one of the main reasons for divorce. People who enter a joint life without sufficient preparation may face serious challenges due to insufficient knowledge of their spouse and lack of skills to solve problems.

Personality differences are another important factor in divorce. When couples are very different in their personality, values, expectations, and expectations and fail to agree on disputes, the likelihood of divorce increases. Communication problems are also important factors in the collapse of life.

Couples’ inability to communicate effectively, actively listen to each other, and honestly express emotions can lead to distance and cold in the relationship. Also, the presence of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders in a couple can affect the quality of marital relationships and increase the likelihood of divorce. These diseases can cause mood changes, reduce motivation and problems in communication.

The legal complexity of divorce itself is the cause of increasing agreed divorces. In terms of one Good dowry lawyer in Tehran In some cases, the legal path of divorce and the dowry is very prolonged, and if it is also to examine the conditions of division of property and custody of children, these issues will prolong the process of hearing and increase the financial costs for the parties. So this not only helps to solve the couple’s problems, but also causes more stress and stress on them, so we are seeing an increase in agreed divorces.

Consequences of divorce

Divorce has widespread consequences in individual, family, and social life. These consequences may appear in the short term and long -term and affect the different aspects of people’s lives.

An isolation is one of the different consequences of divorce for individuals.

1. Mental and emotional consequences

  • One of the major problems that many after divorce is depression and anxiety. These bad feelings are usually due to the loneliness and the great changes that have taken place in their lives.
  • Divorce can lead to a significant reduction in self -esteem, especially when they feel that they have not been successful in maintaining a relationship.

2. Social consequences

  • Divorce can severely affect one’s social circle. Communication with shared friends may be reduced and even disconnected, and family relationships may undergo significant changes.
  • Many people feel lonely and isolation after divorce and tend to reduce their social interactions.
  • Divorce often leads to fundamental changes in one’s lifestyle. These changes include increasing individual responsibilities, changing the living environment and resetting daily programs.

1. Economic consequences

  • Divorce and post -divorce alimony can create many financial challenges for couples.
  • Many people face a significant decrease in life after divorce, especially if one party has less financial ability and cannot afford living alone.

1. Consequences effective on children

  • Behavioral and academic problems are also common consequences of divorce on children. These problems can be due to lack of focus, anxiety, and difficulty in creating new relationships.
  • Repeated changes in the living environment, including school change, home and friends, can be very stressful for divorce children. These changes make children feel unstable and difficult to adapt to the new environment.
  • Fear of repeating parental divorce experience can also affect children’s future relationships. They may avoid commitment and long -term relationships.

Divorce Reduction Strategies

Different strategies can be used to reduce divorce statistics in Iran. In this section, we will mention some of the most important of these strategies.

Referring to counseling is one of the ways to reduce divorce.Referring to counseling is one of the ways to reduce divorce.

1. Life skills training

By learning effective communication skills, anger management and conflict resolution, couples can achieve more sustainable and satisfying relationships. These skills help them understand each other better, respond to their shared needs, and work together in times of crisis. As the image of couples involved in a communication workshop, these tutorials can help improve relationships and reduce tension in the joint life.

2. Pre -marriage counseling

Pre -marriage counseling prepares couples to enter a joint life. In these sessions, the skills are needed to manage conflicts, effective communication, solve problems and create a sustainable relationship. Also, couples are familiar with the common challenges they may face in a common life and learn ways to deal with them. This readiness helps couples start a successful life together.

1. Social support

The development of social support networks, as it increases access to family counseling services, can have a significant effectiveness in reducing divorce rates in Iran. Support networks provide families with a safe and supportive environment, while counseling centers provide couples with the necessary tools and skills to solve problems. These two approaches together can help strengthen the family’s foundation and reduce the damage caused by divorce.

1. Change of rules and policies

Complete support for families as the core of society is one of the effective ways to reduce the divorce rate. Reforming laws and policies in a way that improves and supports living conditions for families can have an effective role in strengthening the family foundation. Creating financial and social support for couples in the crisis, especially in the early stages of disputes, can give them the opportunity to solve and prevent divorce with the help of consultants and experts.

1. Attention to economic issues

To reduce divorce rates in Iran, strengthening the economic foundation of families is of particular importance. Creating sustainable and income job opportunities not only helps improve the livelihoods of families, but also increases self -esteem and satisfaction. Also, providing funding and support services to low -income families, especially in areas such as housing, health and education, can help reduce their economic problems. With the decline in economic pressures, many of the tensions and differences within the family will decrease and as a result, families’ sustainability will be strengthened.

1. Promoting family culture

Education and awareness are two key keys to strengthen the family. The media can help promote the awareness of the community by producing educational content in the field of family relationships, communication skills and conflict resolution. Also, teaching life skills and family values ​​in schools from an early age can help institutionalize these concepts in the minds of students and thus strengthen the family foundation in the future.

1. Reinforcement

Strengthening religious and ethical values ​​in society plays an important role in strengthening the family. With the institutionalization of values ​​such as honesty, trustworthiness, mutual respect, forgiveness and self -sacrifice among individuals, interpersonal relationships, especially in the family, improve. Also, the emphasis on religious teachings about the importance of the family, the role of each family member, and their mutual responsibilities can help increase couples’ intelligence and understanding and prevent many family problems. By strengthening religious beliefs, individuals find the importance of preserving the family and adhering to marital commitments and making more efforts to resolve their disputes and maintain their relationships.

1. Increasing public awareness

Information campaigns can play an effective role in reducing divorce rates in Iran. By holding purposeful and widespread campaigns, you can increase public awareness of family importance and the consequences of divorce. These campaigns can be implemented in a variety of ways, such as content production for social media, workshops and training sessions, and the use of popular and influential figures. In this way, people in the community become aware of the importance of protecting the family and trying to solve marital problems and become more aware of the consequences of divorce on themselves, children and society.

The dangerous situation of divorce statistics in Iran

Divorce is a social phenomenon that has become one of the main concerns of families and society in recent years. Numerous and complex factors, including cultural, social, economic, and psychological changes, have a role in this phenomenon. Reducing the divorce rate requires a careful understanding of these factors and adopting comprehensive and effective solutions. Among the factors that can be involved in raising divorce rates can be lifestyle changes, increased marital expectations, reduced social and religious commitments, economic problems, lack of communication skills and conflict resolution, and changes in roles. Gender pointed. These factors alone or interacting with each other can affect the sustainability of marital relationships and lead to divorce.

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